Chapter 21

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Riley p.o.v

"wait do you want kids?" leah ask and sits up. My body is stiff and I'm not sure what to say but I need to be honest with her. "leah, to be honest I've never thought about kids. Mainly because I couldn't ever see myself as a mum, or parental figure. I remember my mum when she was alive and she was great, both my parents were great but I only had that for 10 years. When my mum died I was the parent. I had to grow up basically. What if I fuck it up? What if I am not cut out for it?" leah just looks at me with sympathetic eyes. Which I didn't want. "you know what! you'd make a great mum just from what you've said. You had to be an adult from a young age and you understand what that is like. Youll never repeat what you went through with your child. You have so much love to give. So much patience. I mean look how you handle me? Every situation we've been in you've not gave up or shouted and argued with me. You've been calm and explained why you were upset or annoyed and we've resolved it. With your child you'll be so patient with them. Understanding of their needs and wants. You give off so much love and I know if you have a child you'll treat them the way you treat everyone that is in your life, With the biggest heart." leah says and kisses me. "I would love to have kids with you one day but only if you wanted to." leah finishes off. "I can see us being parents, that's the scary thing. I can see a future with you with marriage and kids and I haven't ever seen that in my life before. You've gave me a reason to be here, a reason to want to be here. I'd be honoured for my child to have you as a role model." I say and kiss leah. Leah smiles and holds me tight. " please always be here, because I couldn't do this without you. I was so worried for today. That you'd move away and I'd lose you. I know it's selfish of me but you have changed my life and made me happier than I've ever been." my heart breaks that leah was so worried about me leaving her. " I promise you, im not going anywhere. I'm yours. I'm sorry this trip has been so stressful for you. Thank you doing it for me but it's over now and we are both going back to England. No matter what happens with my music career you come first. When it comes to your football that always comes first and it has to leah. You had a commitment before meeting me and I won't come between that this music thing was just for fun and I can stop it anytime. Especially if it's between that and you." I cuddle into leah further. I do love this girl and I would do anything for her. "I have a game on Saturday..." "I'll be there." I say before leah can finish. She just kisses my head and thanks me. We fall asleep peacefully in each others arms.

The next few days fly by. Leah has been spending her days training with arsenal for her game this weekend against man City. She has been really focused as this is a big game for them and a hard opposition. As both viv and Beth play for arsenal too the house has been empty most of the time. I could go back to my house but leah basically told me to sell that and move in with her so I haven't stayed there at all. It's been nice to have the house to myself for a few hours. It meant I could get some writing done. Sony want me to do different genres so I'm focusing on pop and upbeat songs. Not all of these songs are about leah, Some are from my past but the majority do have leah in them. I can't help but write about her. Sony wants me to create my first album and choose 10 songs to use plus 3 for bonus tracks. I've included my most recent ones of cupid and helium, I've decided to add the ones I let the girls listen to the other day so, so far the list is:
you say
Little bit louder

I have a couple dance songs I want to add but I'm not sure what ones so I'll ask leah. Leah has been helping me to pick songs for the album which I'm grateful for, she also loves that every song so far is about her. "what about this one?" leah shows me a song for the album. "happier than ever?" I read the song. "want to hear it?" I question and leah grins. "yes please." "it's not about you though." I explain. "I don't mind. I love all your songs." leah says smiling. "okay, then. This song is about my dad and a little about my ex boyfriend. Both made me hate my life and myself. I wrote it over 2 years. I started it when my dad was alive. Finished it after my ex boyfriend and I broke up. So it's got a lot of emotions." I laugh. We listen to the song and I can see the effect it has on leah. " I don't know if I should be happy that my songs has this effect on you or if I should feel bad I wrote a song that makes you sad." I say wiping the tears away from leahs face. " I just hate what you went through and hate it even more that they made you feel this way." I love how much she cares but I'm okay now. "you saved me. As much as I know that's such an intense pressure to put on someone you really did save me." I say leaning against leah. "you saved me too." leah whispers. "this needs added." leah says smiling. "okay baby." I reply back.

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