Chapter 63

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Riley p.o.v

Last night was probably the worst sleep I've had. Leah and I went to bed together but we didn't cuddle and she didn't even turn around to face me. When i woke up both Leah and Ollie were gone. We usually wake up together and go down stairs together but I guess Leah is certain she can't be with me anymore.

I quickly get ready and go down stairs, I hear Viv talking to ollie in the living room but I don't see Leah or Beth.
"Morning." I say as I enter the living room and go over to ollie.
"Morning, look ollie, mummy's awake." Viv hands me him and he automatically holds on to my finger.
"Where's the others?" I ask. Mainly wanting to know where my wife is.
"In the kitchen, Leah's still pretty upset so I offered to watch ollie whilst they spoke. I don't get it, like the media twist things all the time. Why is Leah so bothered by this?" I take a deep breathe ready for the look of disappointment from Viv.
"Because they aren't lying. I mean they are about leah being controlling or stopping me from doing anything, but I did turn down tours and events overseas and part of the reason why is because of Leah and Is relationship. I mean that was ages ago before we even got married, then little Ollie came and i obviously wasn't going to do one whilst pregnant or whilst he's so little. The media has spun it to look bad on Leah but I also didn't tell her about all these opportunities I had and now she thinks she's done something when she hasn't." Viv doesn't look disappointed but she doesn't look okay, I can't quite work out what she's thinking.
"Why didn't you tell Leah?"
"Because it technically is my choice to do one so i didn't feel the need to talk to her about it when my mind was always set on not doing one. I also didn't tell her because I knew she'd try to convince me to go and again, I was very adamant I wasn't doing a tour. Leah didn't stop me doing it and I'm sure she'd be happy for me to do one but I didn't want to and that's what people need to understand, I was very clear I hate that side of things, I hate the awards, I hate the whole cameras and red carpets and most importantly I hate being away from Leah. I don't care if that sounds pathetic, I hate it so I'm not going to do it." Viv nods which really surprised me considering she's usually the first to say if I'm in the wrong, but still defend me like any best friend would.
"You should talk to her properly. Maybe take Ollie with you, no one can be upset or mad with this little cutie around." Viv pokes Ollie's nose and he lets out a soft giggle.
"Probably not the best to use our son as a weapon, i don't want him to feel the tension so would you and Beth maybe take him out for an hour or so? Just till I've spoke to Leah?" Viv stands up and smiles.
"Yes, yes. Definitely. Where's the bag? Okay. What would we need? Nappies... five in here so I'll put maybe three more in? Okay, wipes... full packet. Bibs... got some bibs. Bottles... cooper, any of your boobie milk in the fridge?" I let out a laugh as viv searches through Ollie's bag but also... 'boobie milk' really?
"I'm sure I expressed a few, Leah would've used one this morning so they'd be about two left. You shouldn't need two but take one just in case." She nods and heads to the kitchen, a few moments later Leah comes through.

"Did you tell Viv and Beth to take Ollie out?" She snaps and I actually feel quite nervous around her.
"I asked, I didn't think he should be around this environment and we should talk without him here." She huffs and comes over, holding her hands out for Ollie.
"Leah I'm just up can I see him for a five minutes?" I really can't argue with her whilst Ollie is right here.
"You're the one telling our friends to take him away from us." Her tone is harsh and I don't understand her problem.
"I asked Viv and they are his aunties too. What is going on right now? I wanted a bit of time for us to talk without him here and now you're bringing this up right in front of him." Her eyes soften and she puts her hands through her hair.
"You're right. Come up stairs when they're away out. I love you baby boy. See you soon." Leah kisses Ollie's head and leaves the room. I make sure the bags packed of everything the girls will need and Viv grabs a bottle for them to take. To be honest they look very cute leaving the house with a baby. They'll make excellent parents one day.
Now for the chat with Leah.

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