Chapter 53

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Leah p.o.v

Riley and I arrive at the beautiful house we rented out. I'm really glad we did it this way, surrounded by our loved ones in our final days before committing our lives to each other. Not that i didn't already but this solidifies that.

Riley and I take our stuff to our room, laying out all the gifts we had for everyone. Each having a different sentiment to them. As I watch Riley look over all the gift bags I notice a slight tear run down her cheek. "hey, what's wrong?" I ask pulling her close to me. She shakes her head. "nothing, it's so perfect and it's mine. Ours. We made it. I just never thought someone would stick around long enough to make it to our wedding day."

I wipe the tears from her cheeks and kiss her head. "I never expected to make it to marriage with anyone either. I was always so closed off from people, only focusing on my job and being the best I could at that. Yes I had been in relationships but I never focused on them over football. My family were all I needed, but when I met you and you didn't know who I was you just got to know me, not the footballer, just me. You were a breathe of fresh air. Everyone I knew was associated with football or knew me because of it. With you I was able to explore a whole other world. A world where I felt human, free and peaceful. I know you ended up being 'Cooper' and your world and my world became the same. Fame, money, big fancy award shows and our faces everywhere but you didn't let that change anything. We would still go for walks, we would still go to our favourite cafe, you'd still buy your clothes from normal stores and not care about the label. Your red carpet dresses are always from small businesses so you can promote them, you give to charity, you spend Christmas with sick children, you wrote a song with all my teams families in them just to make them feel included but to also ask me to be your girlfriend. You came to all my games even when I was so horrible to you. You are the air I breathe, the women that shocks me everyday with how kind and pure you are. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I am so grateful that I get to spend my life watching as you change the world, just by being kind. Just by being you." I didn't mean to talk so much but when I start to talk about her I don't know where to stop.

She burst out crying again so I obviously said too much, maybe I shouldve just held her. "how are you going to handle this wedding when you cry at everything." I say laughing, making her also laugh through her sobs. "I don't even know. Everytime I read out my vows i cry, I'm just too emotional."

Just as she says this we hear a noise coming from down stairs. "hello, please put your clothes back on your guests have arrived." we hear Beth shout making us laugh. Riley wipes her tears and smiles at me. "how do I look?" her eye sparking due to the tears coating them and her cheeks are red, she honestly does look so beautiful. "you look perfect." I say kissing her lips. She smiles at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "I know you're lying. Im going to give my face a wash and I'll meet you down stairs."

I go down stairs and allow Riley to compose herself. I know she isn't upset so i don't worry about leaving her alone, she has been so emotional the last few days and I know it's just because of how fast this has happened and how much it means to us both.

"hey." I say as I reach the bottom of the stairs. Beth, Viv, Katie and Alex are all here. I hug them all and show them to their rooms. We meet back up in the kitchen and I get everyone a drink.

"how are you feeling?" Alex asks me when it's just the two of us. "honestly? Im counting down the hours till i can call her my wife. I have no nerves at all just excitement." I sound like a little kid and I know I have the biggest smile on my face. She smiles just as much as I do. "Im so happy for you leah. I can't wait to watch the biggest moment in your life." she says smiling. "biggest moment of my life so far." I say grinning. "what's bigger than this? The world cup I suppose." she says thinking of all the big moments I could have. Of course the world cup is a big one but not the one I'm thinking of.

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