Chapter 36

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Leah p.o.v

"we will get back together, right?" I know Riley loves me but that doesn't mean she wants to be my girlfriend again. Riley gives me the most shocking face. "I'd really bloody hope so. I dont say 'I love you' to just anyone." she smiles at me and puts her arm up inviting me to cuddle into her. I move over and put my head on her chest, her arm goes around my waist and she holds on to me. "please never doubt how much I want to be with you, how much I love you and how much I need you. Just because right now we don't have the title of 'girlfriends' does not mean I don't want that. We decided to take it slow getting back to that point so we could have the opportunity to work on ourselves as individuals and then come together and work on us. We have faced more obsticles in our relationship than most couples that have been together for years and we have managed to overcome them. Yes we might of broken up for a while but we were still there for each other even if the other wasn't aware. I believe we will live a long and beautiful life together but we have to communicate and listen to each other more effectively than we did before." she kisses my head and plays with my ring. "thank you Coop, I needed to hear that." I say finally feeling complete again, knowing this women is going to be my forever and she loves me just as much as I love her. "it's what I'm here for darling, ill always reassure you."

"LEAHHHH" Riley shouts from outside the bathroom. "WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?" I shout back a little worried. "I HAVE TO PEE." My worried thoughts fade away and I can't help but laugh. "THEN PEE!" I shout back, god sake babe Im trying to enjoy my shower. "HOW CAN I PEE? YOU'RE IN THE SHOWER." I scrunch my face up at her response. "COME IN THE BATHROOM." I can't shout back and forth. Riley opens the door and peeks her head in. I raise my eyebrow at her. "why can't you pee? I'm in the shower, the toilet is free." she sqints her eyes at me. "yeah, exactly. You're in the shower. I'm not peeing whilst you're in the shower. I'm not peeing whilst youre in the room." Rileys hands flap about as she explains her issue. "coop, you do realise we've done a lot worse than hear each other pee, right?" I say with a smirk. Her face does not look impressed. "I don't care what we do in the bedroom..." "or the livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, car..." I start to list and I can see her face turn red. "shhh. Be quiet." she interrupts me. "babe, we are the only ones in the house. Why are you shushing me? Who's going to hear me?" I can't help but laugh at her. "don't know, not the point. I don't care what we do in various locations... I am not going to pee when you are in the shower. I don't want you to see me sitting on a toilet. What if I accidently pump?" I wish i could describe the disgusted look she has on her face after that comment. "pump? Really? Are you too good for fart, or even toot, and anyway so what? You 'pump' all the time in your sleep." Rileys face drops and she looks like a ghost. "please tell me you're kidding." the pleading look on her face almost makes me want to lie to her but she wanted us to communicate so I will be completely honest. "yep, all the time. It's quite funny actually the first time you did 'pump' you jumped afterwards. Like youd gave yourself a fright." I laugh whilst i remember the memory but quickly stop when I see Rileys frowny face. "oh come on you were asleep you can't help it." Riley just turns around and leaves. Ugh christ. I quickly turn the shower off and get out. "Riley, baby, I'm sorry. It isn't a big deal." I go to the bedroom but she's not there, i go down the stairs and as I get half way down I hear footsteps running behind me. "ha, sucker now I can pee in peace and if I want to pump I shall pump." the women I am madly in love closes the bathroom door after making me basically run out of the shower worried for her. This girl played me. I shake my head in disbelief.

Its Friday and Riley is staying at mine tonight and I cannot wait but before then we have a game against juventus in the champions league. I left the house with Beth and Viv at 9, its now 12.30, half an hour till kick off. Riley and mum are coming together so I expect they are on their way. As always I don't check my phone. Its hard not to check but Riley also knows I don't check it so she doesn't message me to tempt me. "you ready for this? Listen to the noise." caitlin says. "always ready foord. The support is unreal. Let's give them a good game to watch."

We head out and it really is so loud. I always feel proud to wear the arsenal badge and represent the club I have loved since a child, a club I hope my children will also grow up to love. It's a different type of feeling I feel when I stand on the pitch. As if nothing can phase me in that moment. Everything is at peace. Even if a thousand things are happening around me I feel at ease. "come on arsenal." I shout as we kick off.

Riley p.o.v

"can you sign this, please." "can you sign mine too?" "can I have a picture?" as Amanda and I arrive at the Emirates to watch the game a couple kids stopped us. The thing is, once you start signing things... When do you stop? Like imagine i signed 10 things for 10 kids and I think that's acceptable so I then leave but there were 11 kids and I missed one. How would that child feel? So as it happens I've been outside the Emirates for 45 minutes signing things and I apparently can't stop. The game kicks off shortly so I attempt to move towards the doors. I understand I can't please everyone but I want to at least give as much time as I can to people that take time out of their day to support me. I'm finally able to make my way to my seat with Amanda, its a few moments before kick off so we really were cutting it fine. "I'm so sorry." I say to Amanda as we watch the girls come out. "don't ever apologise for being you. It's what I love about you and its what my daughter fell in love with." I smile at her and we cheer on leah and arsenal.

"congratulations, as if there was any doubt you wouldn't destroy them." I say to leah, Beth and Viv as they greet me and Amanda in the car park. Amanda brought me today so she waited with me until the girls finished and then went home. "it was tough. Did you enjoy it?" leah says smiling at me. I think back to when she teased me about pumping.

"of course I enjoyed it. A bunch of hot women running around with shorts on, oaft whoever wears number 11 on your team, damn... Shes fine." I say with a smirk.

Let the war begin, Williamson.


Another small one but thought I'd do two back to back and then do a longer chapter for the next one.

Thank you all for reading and the comments are wonderful. I love to know you enjoy reading about Riley and leah.

Enioy xx

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