Chapter 39

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Riley p.o.v

Its now the 29th of December and leah and I are flying out to New York today. I'm so excited to go with her and experience new years in the big apple. The only worry I have is leah has been completely off with me. She has been quiet and on edge since Christmas. I'm not sure if I've done something but usually leah is very open, she'll never be on her phone when we are together but the past few days she's been glued to the thing. I'm not jumping to conclusions but everytime I've asked her shes just brushed it off.

Leah is packing our bags (as always) and im making us some breakfast before we go. "that's everything packed, the taxi will be here in 20 minutes." leah says coming into the kitchen. "perfect, let's quickly eat this and then it should be here." we sit down and eat. "leah, you know you can talk to me if theres something bothering you." I know something is up. "I know, everythings fine." yeah, not the response I hoped for. "we don't have to go." I say to her. "what? Why wouldn't we go?" leahs face drops and she seems annoyed. "I wasn't sure if maybe that's why you've been a little off with me." leahs eyes soften and I can see she's aware of how she's been acting. "I'm so sorry Riley, I didn't mean to make you feel like that. It's just been a stressful couple days with Christmas and seeing everyone. I just think my social battery ran out and Ive just been tired." leahs response seems genuine but I know there's more to it. I won't push her though.

We get to new York and it is just a sheet of white. Thick snow covers the roads and pavements and its so cold. "well, it definitely has the Christmas feel to it." leah says chittering as she enters the hotel room. I nod in agreement and we quickly get out of our wet clothes. We take a nap and then go for dinner.

We decided to go to a Italian restaurant for dinner, it was only down the street from the hotel so it meant we weren't getting too cold and wet. We ordered our food and yet again, leah is being weird. Her leg won't stop shaking and she won't look at me. "okay, I can't keep doing this. Something is up with you. I can tell when youre off and if you don't want to tell me then fine but at least tell me if it's me that's the problem." I say to leah making her almost jump back from my sudden outburst. "you've not done anything." is all she replies. She isn't giving me anything right now and it's so frustrating. "well you're not the best of company right now leah, I can't talk to you without you giving me one worded answers, you won't even look at me and youve not came off your phone since we landed. I didn't travel half way across the world with you to be miserable. We said we would communicate but apparently that's proving difficult for you to do." I've had enough, I put a lot of effort into this trip, I wanted to make it special and now I'm not even sure any of this was a good idea. Leah face shows she didn't expect my outburst but she doesn't get annoyed. She runs her hand through her hair and sighs. "Im sorry." she whispers out. That was it for me. She is definitely hiding something and if she won't talk to me then I won't sit and have an uncomfortable meal.

I stand up and leave the restaurant. I walk back to the hotel and begin to pack my things up. The minute I have my bag in my hands leah comes through the door. "what are you doing with that?" she must've ran here because she's out of breathe. "packing it." is all i reply. Leahs eyes widen and she comes over to me. "give me the bag." she insists. "no" I argue back. "Riley, give me it please." I ignore her and continue to put my clothes in it. Making sure not to take leahs clothes that she packed for me. I can see her getting more and more annoyed but I don't care i tried to do something nice for us and she is being so secretive. Before I can zip it up leah quickly grabs it off me. "leah, I swear to god give me the bag back." leah shakes her head, no. I try to get it back but she moves it away further. This is becoming a toxic environment and I can feel us both getting close to our boiling point. "fine, keep the bag. I have clothes back in England." I say turning around and walking to the door. Before I can open it leahs hand is against it. "leah, will you just fucking leave me alone." that's it I've lost it now. "no, just calm down. You're not going back home. I'm sorry. I'll not be on my phone anymore." "no, I don't care anymore. I've asked you to be honest with me and you won't. You continue to be weird with me and I don't care why but I want to go home." I try to open the door again but this time leah picks me up and carries me away placing me on the bed. "please don't, please don't leave me. Please" I didn't realise before but leah is sobbing, her body shaking and she can barely speak. In that moment all my anger disappears and I just hold her. As much as I'm annoyed with her she's clearly not okay and i will always comfort her when she's sad.

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