Chapter 23

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Leah p.o.v

I go into the changing rooms and get changed. "hey, seen the interview, Riley did great." Beth says when she comes in. "yeah she did good. She's out on the pitch the now. I don't think she wanted to be alone today, as much as she's acting okay I think yesterday really effected her. Even today when we left the studio the place was swarming with press. I think it's taking its toll on Riley." Im worried for Riley. She does seem more hesitant now, I hate it. I wish i could protect her all the time. " at least she's here, you can keep an eye on her and she will feel safe." Beth says, viv comes into the changing rooms a few seconds later. " hey, leah." she says smiling at me. "hey, oh.. Do you have spare gloves? Riley is out on the benches and she said she might ask to borrow a pair?" I say to viv. "yeah course I do, I'll take them out to her the now." viv says and leaves. More players come in and I talk to them for a bit. They ask how Riley is doing and we talk about the next game which is against West ham. "yeah well it'll be all good as long as Evans doesn't cause issues." mccabe says. "nah I don't see it. She's moved on and so has viv. She was one of us once. I'm sure it'll be fine." I say trying it keep spirits high and have no tension. Beth doesn't seem phased by it which is good. Viv comes back in to the changing rooms. "did you get Riley okay?" I ask whilst putting my boots on. Viv doesn't respond she just looks at Beth. "what?" I say knowing something is up. "uh, well..." "Viv?" Beth asks looking worried too. "well I went to give Riley the gloves, when i seen her she was talking to Jordan..." as she says Jordans name my heart sinks. Oh no what is she going to do? "is Riley okay?" I ask. Viv just stands there uncomfortably. "Viv?" I say louder and everyone in the room looks at me. "leah calm down." Kim says. "well if viv would just answer me." I say frustrated. "leah... Riley is gone." viv says almost in a whisper. "what do you mean gone?" now I'm panicking. "I seen her and jordan. Riley had tears in her eyes. She pushed Jordan out of her way and ran out. I caught up to her and tried to get her to calm down but she was having a full panic attack. I begged her not to drive but she insisted she needed to go. She told me to say sorry to you. Also she took your car so she asked if I could take you home after. She's asked us not to look for her and to give her time." my heart breaks. I can feel everything around me fall apart. What does she mean give her time? I grab my phone and see she's text me. I quickly open it. Wiping the tears away that have formed as I try to read the message.

Riley: "leah I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you. I just need time to breathe. Please stay at training and focus on that. I love you xx"

Is all it reads. I don't know what to think. Why would she hurt me? I'm glad she said she loves me but what the fuck did Jordan say to her. I reply back.

Leah: "never apologise. Just come home to me, please. Whatever is going on we can sort it. I love you xx"

I go to training and hunt for Jordan in the process. "no one's seen Jordan since she spoke to Riley." Katie says coming over go me. "come on, she will be okay. She will be at home waiting for you finishing." Katie says and smiles.

Katie couldn't of been more wrong. Riley was not home when I got back. She has been here though because my car was back in the drive and hers was gone. I called my mum and broke down to her. She told me it will all work out but its been two days and I haven't heard anything from Riley. I have text her constantly and tried to call her a few times but she hasn't answered. I tried to call Jordan a couple times too but she's not answering either. I'm so fucking angry. "I'm going to Jordans house." I say grabbing my keys. "why?" beth asks. "well if Riley won't talk to me and no one knows what's happened then I'll fucking ask Jordan myself. She can ignore my calls but not if I'm outside her front door" I am beyond fuming. Im not messing around anymore. "leah calm down, please. Seeing Jordan won't solve anything." viv says. "you seeing Jordan alone is what jordan wants. She's tried to kiss you once. She's now done something to Riley, I don't think this is a good idea." Beth makes a good point. "come with me then? I'm going either way but this way she can't do anything." I say and walk out the front door. I hear movement behind me and see the girls run out the door to follow me. I smile at them. "come on, let's go. I want to find Riley." viv says and we go to Jordans House.

We stand outside Jordans waiting for her to answer. When she answers her eyes widen. "leah.. I" "save it. We need to talk." Jordan just nods and let's us in. "Riley hasn't spoke to anyone for 2 days, Jordan. What the fuck happened? You do realise she has no one. Not one fucking person to go to outside of me and my friends. What the fuck happened jordan." I am screaming. I can't help it. Riley has no one. If she can't come to me then it must be bad. Jordan looks down. " I told her it was her fault your mum was hurt and that she's putting you all in a difficult position by being with you, publicly and being an music artist. I told her she was making your life more complicated with all the drama and you needed to focus on yourself for once... Leah I was just mad, I didn't mean..."." you said what?" I can't believe her. " you know we wouldn't have so much drama if you didn't get involved. Kissing me, talking to hemp about breaking me and Riley up, talking to Riley. What the fuck is wrong with you? I focus on myself, I focus on my life which includes Riley. She never let's me slack, she motivates me. Ugh, I can't fucking believe you. You've ruined the one good thing in my life that is outside of football. Someone that I can talk to and it not always be football. Riley makes me happy, Jordan. I need Riley in my life and you had no fucking right to talk to her. You didn't even apologise for kissing me. You only focus on hurting us instead of being there for me as your fucking friend and teammate." Beth and viv just stare at me and Jordan won't take her eyes off the ground. "leah I'm sorr..." "oh piss off Jordan." I say before she can say It. "don't apologise when you don't fucking mean it." I walk out the door and the girls follow behind.

We drive in silence for a few moments before Beth finally speaks. "I've never seen you this angry." she almost whispers like she's unsure if I'll shout at her too. "I know Beth and I'm sorry but I was worried enough about Riley and her state of mind after what happened the other day and now she's got this to deal with too. I just want to hold her and protect her. I can't do that when I don't know where she is." I sigh. We drive for a few more minutes before I hear my phone ping.

Riley has shared a song with me. I quickly open the song and play it. It's called 'tightrope'. I listen to the song and let the girls hear it too. "it's a beautiful song." viv says. "I love it, it's like her own sign to tell you everything is okay. She's worried about what will happen to you both but she's not ready to give up." Beth says smiling. "I'd happily die trying to make this work for us." I say with tears in my eyes. I heart the song and she'd Riley a message.

Leah: "I don't know where you are and I miss you so much, but I will spend my last breathe fighting for you. Youre my home so please, when you are ready. Come home. Xx"

As I wait to see if Riley will reply my mum calls. "hi mum" I say. "Riley messaged me, mum." I say knowing that she's been worried about Riley too. "I know she has sweetheart." how does she know?

"Riley is here, with me."


Short chapter this time, but will try to do the next chapter today as well.

The song is called tightrope by Kelly Clarkson

Thanks everyone xxx

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