Chapter 57

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Riley p.o.v

Married life for leah and I hasn't been much different to before. I legally changed my name, we announced it on Instagram, we've done a few interviews, enjoyed a small honeymoon and most importantly, we prepared ourselves for our little baby arriving. It has been a roller-coaster of a few months but weve got there, we did have a few hiccups on the way.


"fucking start!" leah hits her steering wheel in frustration.
"le, let's just take my car." I suggest, cautious of the fact leah very clearly overwhelmed. Today we find out the sex of our baby and nothing has gone right today.
The milk was off so I cried because I couldn't make leah a tea.
Leah slightly raised her voice at me, so I cried.
I could only find one shoe, so I cried.
I bumped into leah as we were leaving and... You guessed it, I cried.
Now it is leahs turn to let out her emotions, although hers is frustration whereas mine is crying like a baby.

We eventually get her car going, it helps if you press the clutch as you start the car up. When we get to the hospital, all our issues today have been resolved. All that matters to us is seeing our baby on the monitor and hearing their heartbeat.

"okay Mrs Williamson, this will be a little cold." the nurse says to me. Leah takes my hand in hers as we wait to see our baby appear on the screen. As the picture comes on and the nurse moves around my stomach I hold my breathe, praying to hear that everything is okay.

It takes a few moments but then we hear it, "a very healthy heartbeat." the nurse says. Both of us let out a massive sigh of relief and leahs hand tightens around mine. "here is their toes, pushing against mummy's bladder." yep they definitely are. I am bursting for a pee.

"Do you want to know the sex?" the nurse asks and leah and I look at each other.


*another flashback.*

"I think we should cancel babe." leah says through the door. I quickly flush the toilet and brush my teeth.

"no, come on we can't miss it. This is your big night. I'll be okay. We just have to keep this a secret for a few more weeks." tonight is an award show for the England squad. I'm constantly having morning sickness, that lasts all day. But I refuse to let leah miss this and I will be by her side proud as punch.

The awards are announced and leah won a couple. I cheered for her and took lots of photos of her big night. We skipped the after party and went home. I'm so surprised that no one has questioned us yet or noticed. I do have a slight bump now but I've kept it covered really well.

As we leave the venue I am shoved over, I am able to put my arms out first to avoid hurting my stomach, my only worry was our baby. I heard leah screaming and helping me up. Her face red and she continues to swear and shout at the man who pushed me. "we are going to the hospital." leah says as we enter a taxi.
"no let's just go home. The baby is okay." I'm exhausted and I know I protected my belly.
"you don't know that." she snaps. Deep down I know she's just scared but I do get my back up.
"you don't think i protected them? The minute I fell my only worry was our baby. I fucking protected them." I shout. My emotions have been all over the place, that with lack of sleep, the baby kicking me a lot and the worry im going to fuck this all up. It has made me struggle to control myself. I never shout at leah but recently it's all I've done.

We get home and I go right to bed, leah tried to apologise but I just wasn't in the mood. I try to sleep but I toss and turn. "come on baby, let mummy sleep tonight." I stroke my stomach and then hear the door open, leah comes in and lies next to me, just like every other night, she turns me around to face away from her and holds my stomach, she kisses my head and pulls me closer.

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