Chapter 8

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Leah p.o.v

"You slept with someone?" I know it's Jordan. I dont know what to say. I turn and face Jordan. It's the first time I've seen her since meeting Riley. "uh, uh." I keep stuttering unable to find the words. "leah, can we talk in private?" Jordan asks me and all I do is nod. I don't know what I'm going to say but Jordan deserves to know about riley. So I follow her to the changing rooms. I can hear the girls talking as we walk and I know they're worried about this chat just as much as I am.

We sit in the changing rooms and I decide its now or never. "Jordan I'm sorry you found out the way you did. I wanted to tell you myself." I don't want to hurt Jordan she's still a friend and a member of my team. "leah you don't need to apologise we've been broken up a while now, I wasnt trying to listen to your conversation but I'm glad I did so it gives us a chance to talk." Jordan is being really mature right now and it's a side I haven't really seen. "so who's the girl?" she asks me. "you don't know her, she doesn't play football. She works as a nurse at the hospital and we met at Starbucks." Jordan listens as I talk about Riley. I don't even realise but I've been talking about her for over an hour. "so you're together?" jordan raises her eyebrow at me. "uh, well no. We aren't together. We haven't discussed that. To be honest everyone has asked me and I want to be but I'm not sure if Riley feels the same." I get upset everytime someone asks me if we are together because I want to say yes and saying no hurts me." you can't tell me this girl doesn't feel the same way as you do, after what you've told me she feels the same way you do. You have to talk to her leah. Don't give up on someone so special." Jordan says giving me a smile. I am thankful for this conversation, I thought it would've went a lot differently but Jordan has been so nice about it all which has made it easier to fall for Riley. " we better head back out and see the girls before they send a search party for us." Jordan says and stands up. "I'm happy for you leah, just go with your heart and if she breaks yours ill kill her." Jordan laughs and so do I. We head out of the tunnel still laughing at the thought of Jordan ever hurting someone, let alone kill them. I look up to the girls and my eye immediately goes to one in particular. Riley! She is here." Jordan, looks like youre gonna meet Riley. She's over there, the short brunette with the bright blue eyes." I point out Riley. "and you still think she doesn't want to be with you?" she laughs and I smile. I quicky make my way over to Riley and pull her in for a hug. God I've missed her.

Riley p.o.v

Jordan has just asked me for a chat. Shit. I haven't even spoke to leah about her. I don't know what she knows or doesn't know and I don't want to say anything that'll annoy leah. I agree to the chat and we walk stay out on the pitch whilst the other girls go inside. Leah gives me a smile before she leaves but doesn't say anything.

"don't be so nervous, Im not that bad!" jordan says smiling at me. "honestly I've never had so many people want to talk to me until I met leah. It's overwhelming sometimes but it's nice because it shows she has lots of people that care for her." I reply being honest. It is overwhelming when I am used to keeping to myself and never having people even look twice at me. It's strange but I'd do anything for leah and do anything to show I am not just going to abandon her. "to be honest I feel like I already know everything about you. Leah hasn't shut up about you since we spoke." Jordan laughs. "wait, really? She spoke about me?" I say shocked. Why would leah tell her ex girlfriend about me? Jordan laughs again. "well yeah I did hear her say she'd slept with someone but even after we discussed that she still went on about you. The entire time we spoke it was about you. Why wouldn't she talk about you?" Jordan is saying all the things I hoped to hear but again I'm having this conversation with someone that isn't leah. I seem to be so capable of telling the world how I feel about her but I can't tell her. " I don't know, I never expected her to talk about me to anyone but I guess with you especially." referring to her being leahs ex. "well yeah we dated but that is in the past and I hope you know it is. Leahs eyes are set on you even if neither of you can admit it to the other. The way she spoke about you was like i was talking to someone completely different. Leah never opens up but by God she does when it comes to you." Jordan really is being lovely. She could've made things difficult for me and leah but instead I think she's giving her approval." I better get you back to leah or she'll he having a fit. Just remember to take care of her though. She acts all tough but she's a big softy." Jordan says whilst laughing. I have seen the soft side of leah. The sweet caring side but she doesn't have to always take care of everyone else. I want to be able to take care of her too. " ill be there for her Jordan. I'll do whatever i can to be there for you and support her. I care so much about leah and even if we never end up together I'll still be there for her." I smile back as we walk back to where the girls are. Talking to jordan really eased my worries. If leahs able to tell her ex about us then surely that means she does want something with me. I have some hope.

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