Chapter 32

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Leah p.o.v

We have just won the fucking euros. I can't help but let the tears fall. I'm so proud of these girls. Even though I'm celebrating with my team i can't help but look up to the stands to see Riley. I can't believe she came. Actually I can because it's Riley. My Riley, the most selfless person I've ever met. I can't wait to talk to her after the game.

By the time the celebrations were over and we were all packed up to go It was two hours after the game. I still haven't had a chance to check my phone but knowing Riley is here makes me not need to check it. Knowing the only person I really want to talk to is here. She's fucking here. We get back to the hotel and i hope and pray Riley came with my mum.

I search the room and find my mum with tears in her eyes. "hey" she brings me in for a hug and tells me how proud she is of me. As does the rest of my family. "Where's Riley?" I say after hugging them all. Mum looks at Jacob and then back at me. "mum?" that's when it happens. My mum begins to sob. What the fuck. I pull her in for a hug and try to calm her. What the hell have I missed?

Mum takes me to the side, she tells me Riley told her why she went to Scotland and that I need to talk to her. She said Riley has gave me tonight to enjoy myself and that's why she isn't here. "oh and check your Instagram. Turns out Riley never broke her promise to you." with that mum left. I quickly got out my phone and seen what my mum was on about.

"today is the day girls. It's been a pleasure to watch you get to this stage. You all deserve it. You girls are making history and changing society. To all the little girls out there with a dream, you are the role models for them. You've made everyone so proud and I promise to scream so loud when I watch you lift that cup. One last game, enjoy every minute of it." I read Rileys post and then swipe through the photos. Holy shit. It is every single photo of our matches. Its the team photo from every game we've played. What the fuck she was there the whole time? The last photo is Riley in an England top with my name and number on the back. She wore it for the final. I can't believe she still came. I wish she was here now. I wish i could talk to her.

The celebrations go right into the early morning. I am a little worse for wear. All night the girls have told me to talk to Riley. The were just as stunned as me that Riley came to every game of ours. The whole tournament they've told me to get her back but I need to know what happened first. In my drunken state all I want is one girl. I pull out my phone and do what I've done for months with no answer. Call Riley.

"hello?" oh my god she answered. Her voice almost a whisper. "hi." I can barely speak. I didn't expect her to answer. "congratulations leah. Are you having a good night?" I can't help but smile. This girl has my whole heart. "why didnt you come back with my mum?" I finally find my words. Riley sighs and I can hear her shuffling around. "this was your night. It wasn't about us. I couldn't just come back after months of not talking. I made you a promise to be at your games and I wanted to keep that promise. I didn't need to be there afterwards. It was your time. I'm so proud of you Lee. You captained your team to win the euros. You should be celebrating with them." I miss her so much. "I can't believe you came to every game. I searched for you in the crowd." "I left as soon as the games ended. I didn't want to distract you." I laugh because she was more of a distraction than she knew. I was constantly obsessed with knowing if she was going to be there or not. "mum said she spoke to you." "yeah when you were tackled I shouted very loudly and she noticed me. We spoke after the game." i laugh knowing how loud Riley is in the stands. My biggest supporter. "what did you talk about?" Riley sighs. "you're going to be sick of me saying this but it isn't something to talk about over the phone. Especially not tonight. You need to be celebrating leah. Or at least sleeping. You do remember you have to go to trafalgar Square tomorrow... Well today now?" oh fuck. I groan at the thought and can hear Riley giggling through the phone. "ill assume you forgot then." she says and I can tell she's smirking. "maybe... Are you going to be there tomorrow?" "do you want me to be there?" I don't even need to think about that question. "of course I do." "then I'll be there." I smile. "thank you." "get some sleep, superstar." I roll my eyes at the nickname. "goodnight coop." "goodnight Lee."

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