Chapter 47

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Leah p.o.v

The night drags in as we wait for Riley to wake up, or even breathe on her own. The tubes were taken out a few minutes ago and I swear we all heald our breathes until we heard her heartbeat. Seeing her chest rise and fall is the best sight I've ever seen. Fuck everything else. That moment, meant everything to me.

As much as we were exhausted every bit of strength we had was for her. We lived for Riley in those hours. We prayed and hoped and now she's breathing, all on her own. She's fucking breathing.

Viv and Beth just pulled me in for a hug, we all sobbed and cried and just let every emotion out. We had to. It was the moment we'd spent all night waiting for. We each took turns sitting with Riley just holding her hand and stroking her head. Little things to show her we are there.

At around 8am mum came back, so did Katie, Kim, steph and Jordan. "we brought you some food, there's clean clothes as well if you want to put them on... I'd say go home and shower but I know none of you will do that." Viv and Beth laugh at her comment. Nope we definitely weren't going to be leaving, not without riley.

We all sit in this tiny hospital room, some on the floor, some on chairs and some just standing. I was stood next to Rileys bed, just playing with her hair and smiling as the girls all talk. Im glad everyone's laughing, she'd like to hear them all laughing.

Just as I'm in the middle of a conversation with Katie I feel Riley squeeze my hand. My eyes jolt to her and Im met with her gaze, her beautiful blue eyes squinting at me. I feel the tears already pooling but I don't care, she's awake.

"leah." she whispers out and then cries out in pain. "shhh, don't speak coop. It's okay, you're okay." I stroke her face and try not to worry her. Steph grabs a nurse and they came and ran the routine checks, Riley still a little out of it and has no idea what's happening.

"everything looks good, she will have some discomfort talking but we do encourage it. Her voice might not go back to normal for a few days but that's okay. If she's in pain we have morphine for her but right now she's already coming out of the sedation so she might say a few things that dont make sense. It should take about an hour for her to regain full consciousness" we thank the nurse and we all huddle round Riley. She looks at us all like we have three heads.

"is this what it feels like to be in the middle of your huddles, if so it's a little intimidating." Riley says, she sounds so croaky, it's kinda sexy, like her morning voice but deeper. We laugh at her comment but none of us move away, it was like we were standing over a new born baby.

"how do you feel?" mum asks Riley. "I feel like a butterfly, or a cloud, or a spaceship... No, not a spaceship, too loud and bumpy." yep she's still out of it. As the hour goes by Riley chats a load of rubbish, telling us she has a hairball, that she could see carrots dancing on our heads. She even had a full conversation with Jordan about how if cows lived in space would their milk just float about for people to drink when they wanted. It was a crazy conversation and I swear Jordan lost a few braincells during it.

I sat with Riley and she held my hand. "leah?" I smile, I'm so glad I get to hear her say my name again, it's the best sound. I also smile because I wonder what sort of thing she's going to come out with now. "yes coop?" she looks up at me and I can't tell if she's still sedated or not but the words that come out her mouth seem genuine.

"when are we going to have a baby?"

The whole room fell silent, Rileys eyes are still on mine as if she has no care if anyone else hears this. I don't even know what to say, one minute I'm worried she might not have a life to live and the next she's asking us to bring another life into the world. I want to, I really want to but is this really the time to have that conversation? No. Do I do it anyway? Yes.

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