Chapter 48

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Beth p.o.v

"do you want something to drink?"
"Do you want something to eat?"
"Do you want to get fresh clothes on?"
"please Beth. Just let me sit here. I don't want to go anywhere else. I don't want to eat, I don't want to drink. I just want to sit here. Please."

I sigh in defeat. We've been at the hospital for almost 12 hours, leah hasn't moved from Rileys side, holding her hand the entire time. Every few hours or so she has a quiet sob to herself. It's honestly the most heartbreaking thing to watch and I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

The nurse has tested the three of us to see if we share the same blood type as Riley. So for the past 6 hours we've been waiting for the results. I have to say, its the longest 6 hours of my life.

Around 7am the nurse comes in, as soon as we see her we all stand. Waiting for her to tell us if we are a match or not.

Please just one of us be a match.

"good morning girls, I'd like to say I hope you are well rested but I know that isn't the case." she looks around the floor to our makeshift beds and piles of coffee cups. Please just tell us if we are a match. Stop fucking around.

"the results of all your blood tests have came back and I'm happy to announce that one of you is a match." oh my god. Yes fuck yes. I can't believe it.

Viv p.o.v

When the nurse tells us one of us are a match, my whole body reignited. This is it. We could save her life. I can't explain the emotions going through my head. I just want her to wake up. I just want her to go back to being happy and healthy. I'd do fucking anything for that to happen.

Turns out I can.

"who was the match?" leah whispers out. Still holding tightly on to Rileys hand. Her eyes finally showing some life in them. She needed this. She needed to know there's still hope.

"Vivianne" as she says my name I can feel my heart racing. Its me! I'm the one that can save Riley. I don't even care if it hurts. I don't care, take all the blood you need. Give her everything i have.

The nurse explains everything to me but to be honest I don't even listen, just do it and fix her. After the nurse leaves I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "thank you so much. Thank you." leah quietly sobs into me. She doesn't have to thank me. I'd do anything for Riley, I'd do anything for all three of these girls. Beth joins us in our hug, all of us having a cry and letting the emotions out. It's been so hard the last few weeks. I can't explain the impact its had on all of us.

Leah p.o.v

I knew it would be Viv that was the match, I always knew they had a bond that I could never quite understand. Now I do. "Riley always said she felt like her mum and dad in some way were the reason her and I met, like they knew she needed me and they made sure our paths crossed... I believed it too, but now I know that her mum and dad knew she needed much more than just me, than just a partner. She needed a family, she needed you. Youre going to save her life." as the words come out so does the tears. Everything just seems to make sense, to add up. I don't know if it's the lack of sleep or if I'm just clutching at straws but I knew it was fate that led me to Riley. I strongly believe if I hadn't met Riley then she wouldn't of survived this and the universe knew that too. That's why even after we seperated we still found each other again, it's why her and Viv have such an amazing friendship. She has exactly who she needs and she will survive this. She will make it.

I just know it.

A few days had passed, Riley had the blood transfusion from Viv, who said she felt a little dizzy and nauseous but after something to eat and some rest she has been fine. She has stayed the entire time with me, Beth has been back and forth to the house to get clothes and food for us.

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