Chapter 9

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Beth p.o.v

Riley comes over and asks me where leah is. I know leah stormed to the bar looking pissed so I warn Riley before she goes and sees her. I probably shouldn't of told leah that I know Lauren likes Riley but she's my roommate and I would want to know if someone liked a girl I was seeing. Leah has nothing to worry about anyway, you can see Riley wants leah. Just wish the pair of them would get together already.

"I can see this ending in an argument" kiera says as she comes back from being with leah. "what's happened?" Lucy asks her. "well leahs drunk first of all. I tried to stop her but she's had a lot of vodka. She's upset over Riley because apparently she told Lauren she's not with leah and Lauren apparently likes Riley so now she has it in her head that Riley is going to leave leah which is crazy." kiera says to the group. " lauren does like Riley, but Riley is only telling the truth about her not being with leah. I guarantee she doesn't want Lauren." I say back." she doesn't. She told me her and leah werent together so I did ask her out for coffee and she said only as a friend and only if leah was there too." Lauren says embarrassed. I smile because that's exactly what I expected from Riley. She is in love with leah and leah is with her too. I'm glad Riley cleared that up.

I see Riley and a very drunk leah come back to the table. She says they're going home so me and some of the girls offer to help her get leah back but she politely declines. Probably for the best. They need to talk. Riley seems so mature for a 20 year old. She understood leah needed to leave this environment and go home. She hasn't attempted an argument with leah or shouted at her. She's being so calm and I love that she's not just walked away from leah and left her. The two girls leave and I just hope they sort it out. "they're so stubborn, anyone can see they want to be together and they both say they do. Why can't they just do it already?" Lucy questions. "leah told me Riley has a bad past and leah also got hurt with Jordan. I think they're both just scared to lose each other. Honestly guys you should see them when they're at the house. They're in a wee bubble and is so loved up, they say and do all the things a couple does but just won't have that conversation." I say back. It's true, they need their heads banged together.

"Riley has just messaged. Her and leah are back at the house. She says leah is now in bed. I hope that means they're all good." I say looking at the text from riley. The girls agree and we stay out a little longer before we head home.

Leah p.o.v

I've woke up with the worst headache ever. I can barely open my eyes it hurts that much. Why did I get drunk. What a stupid thing to do. Wait. I'm alone. I jump up in the bed and yep Riley isn't here. Oh fuck what have I done. I can't remember anything from last night. I'm about to get out of bed and search for Riley when my door opens. Its her. Her eyes look bloodshot like shes been crying and barely slept. Oh my god did I do this to her? "morning" Riley says giving me a small smile. "Riley what did I do? I'm so sorry I got drunk, I didn't mean to." I can't believe I did this. I made Riley upset. "it's okay, these things happen. Here I got you these because I figured your head would be sore." she says softly handing me pain killers and water. "thank you, can we talk please?" I beg. I can't lose her. "you've just woke up, we can talk later." Riley says. I've really fucked up. That's just a polite way of saying no. She tells me she's going back downstairs to finish her coffee and she will see me down there when I'm ready. She doesn't even want to spend any time with me. I want to burst into tears at how distant she's being but I know this isn't about me and I have hurt Riley. I have to make it up to her.

I go down the stairs, beth and Viv are both in the livingroom and Riley is in  the kitchen. I decide to speak to the girls before Riley. I need to know what happened.

"hi" I say shyly. "don't stress leah, you're fine." Beth replies. "Riley isn't talking to me" I say sadly. "yeah she is, she's just confused leah." why is she confused? "what did I do?" I whisper. Beth tells me what happened at dinner and I'm so ashamed. "oh god guys what do I do?" I remember how I acted around Riley last night and instead of talking it out with her I got drunk. Fuck. I can't lose this girl. "talk to her leah!" Viv says to me. She's right. We have to talk.

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