Chapter 44

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Riley p.o.v

"I think you have endometriosis"

Both leah and Amanda look at me for a few moments. Worry plastered over both of their faces. "what.. Uh, what does that mean. Or.. How do I fix it?" leah says, her voice low and I can tell she's trying not to worry.

I take her hand in mine and look into her eyes. "how about we make our way to the doctors and i can explain it on the way. I might be wrong though, Le. That's why I want you to see a doctor and get a professional opinion." leah smiles at me and raises her eyebrow. "didn't realise you weren't a professional anymore. Does the degree you worked so hard for just disapppear the minute you stop being a nurse?" I roll my eyes at her sarcasm. "it doesn't but I can't diagnose you with anything. I might be wrong." I do doubt myself a little. It's been a while since I worked in healthcare. I could have this all wrong but it's worth getting checked.

We get in leahs car, Amanda asked to come too. Obviously worried for her daughter. I feel so bad right now, i might be worrying them for nothing. The ride to the doctors consisted of Amanda searching up everything there is to know about 'endometriosis' whilst I softly explained it to leah. Glancing at her to make sure she is okay and I'm not overwhelming her.

When we arrive at the doctors leah takes a deep breathe. I hold her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. "it's okay. Take your time, you're safe." I whisper to her. I don't know if itll help but she seems to have relaxed her a little.

Leah kisses my cheek and gets out of the car. Both Amanda and I stay. Neither of us wanting to assume she would want us with her, although Im glad we are here to support her in any way she needs. Leah turns back to us. Looking between us. "mum... Sorry but would you mind if..." leah begins and Amanda interrupts her. "don't apologise bubs. Riley is who you need right now, I'll be right here when you're done." Amanda says and holds her arms out for leah.

After they have a few moments together leah looks at me. "do you mind coming with me coop?" her eyes hopeful. "of course I'll come with you." i get out of the car and take leahs hand. "ready?" I say looking up to her. "ready."

As we waited for her name to be called, leahs leg bounced and she wouldn't sit still. I play my hand on her thigh and give it a squeeze. "no matter what they say it'll be okay, okay?" I say. Leah snaps her head to me. She was clearly in her own wee world before I spoke. "thank you coop, I'm just worried." she replies. "what's worrying you?" no matter what she says I know we can deal with it.

Leah sighs and takes my hand. Playing with my engagement ring. "if it is this 'endo-whatsitcalled..." "' endometriosis'" I say with a slight giggle. "yeah, that. Well... If it is that, it means I might struggle to..." she struggles to find the words and I know what she's going to say. When it was mentioned in the car she completely changed. "le, we will still try." I give her a reassurance smile.

Her eyes move to mine and I can see the tears start to pool. "wait, you mean that? You want to try?" this isn't exactly the time or place I wanted to have this conversation but I know leah needs to hear this right now.

"yes le, I want to try for a baby with you."

Leah p.o.v

Hearing Riley say those words made my stomach do flips, my heart beat faster and my eyes well up. I can't believe she wants to try for a baby with me. We haven't spoke much about having children together she was apprehensive when we did first speak about it but in the back of my mind I always hoped we would.

I kiss her head, words weren't needing in that moment. I just needed to know she wanted a family with me and knowing she does is more than enough for me to face whatever may be the outcome of this appointment.

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