Chapter 12

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Riley p.o.v

I wake up to my alarm ringing. God I won't miss this noise tomorrow, when I look at my phone I see a beautiful blonde peacefully sleeping. Leah actually stayed on the phone to me all night like she said she would. I fell asleep to the sound of her breathing and I didn't have a nightmare. This girl makes me feel so safe even when she isn't next to me. Like I can achieve anything as long as i have her. Well. I technically don't have her, she isn't mine but she feels like she is. I don't need a label on us for me to know she cares for me. I go to hang up from leah so I don't wake her as I get ready but before I do I hear her sleepy voice "don't hang up yet. Hang up at work please." she's so bloody cute. "okay, but go back to sleep please, beautiful." she nods, still with her eyes shut.

I make my way to work, still having leah on the phone and occasionally looking at her when I drive. She really is so beautiful. I pull into the car park and turn my car off. The minute I do leahs eyes open. " were you awake the whole time?" I raise my eyebrow. "yeah... I watched you get dressed, down your coffee and drive to work. By the way nice choice of bra today" she says smiling. "you perv" I laugh back. "uh huh you love it, also I couldve swore I've seen that jumper before" shit. "so, I stole more than just your shorts." i admit. "you look better in it anyway. I love you in my clothes." leah says but instantly looks like she's seen a ghost. "you okay?" I ask confused. "uh, yeah sorry I thought I seen a spider..." that's a lie. "you sure?" I question again. "yeah, yeah, anyway you have work so ill talk to you later okay?" what is up with her. "okay, have a good day with the girls. Dont train too hard." I say trying to make her smile, i have no idea what's just happened. "thanks have a good day at work." she says and then hangs up. What is wrong with her. Did she remember last night and regret it? Because she was the one that told me to touch myself I didn't instigate it so don't know why she's being weird with me if it was that. Great im gonna spend my day overthinking about this now...

Leah p.o.v

"you look better in it anyway. I love you in my clothes." the minute I say It, I remember something from the night I got drunk over Riley and Lauren. Fuck. I need to go, I need to speak to kiera and Beth. I quickly end the call with riley, I don't want to be rude but I am freaking out. I jump out of bed and run to Beth's room banging on her door. "calm down, I'm coming... Leah what's wrong it's 7am" oops so it is. "I need to talk to you and kiera!" I say panicking. "okay, okay come in ill wake kiera up" she smiles.

"right what's going on?" a sleepy kiera says. I take a deep breathe. "I told Riley I love her" they both smile. "about time" kiera says. "did she say it back?" Beth says grinning. I look down. "no, you dont get it. I told her I loved her the night i got drunk. I was drunk, I didn't remember it until I said something to her this morning that reminded me of it. I said it and I didn't even remember saying it. How must she feel. No wonder she was distant the day after. No wonder she was upset. I can't believe I said it drunk."." leah, leah calm down. Its okay" kiera says stopping me from ranting on. "do you remember what she said when you said it?" Beth asks "she said to tell her that sober" I say sadly. "she probably didn't want you to only be saying it because you were drunk, she maybe knew youd not remember it and didn't want to say it back just for it to be forgotten about." beths right. I did forget about it and if that was going to be the first time we said it and i forgot about it then it would've made Riley feel worse. " do you love her? " kiera asks. I don't even have to think about it. " yes ". " then do as she asked, tell her when youre sober!" kiera says. "she isn't even my girlfriend" I say back. "make her your girlfriend then, idiot!" Beth hits my arm. "I will." im going to ask Riley to be my girlfriend.

Riley p.o.v

Half way through my last shift. This day is dragging on. All I can focus on is how weird leahs been. I'm on my break and I see I have a text from viv. "hey, how's work been? I'm pretty bored staying in this house all alone. Fancy coming round after work? We can order take out and watch shitty movies whilst missing our girls?" I smile. Viv is so sweet and funny, she'll be a good distraction from missing leah but we will probably spend the whole night talking about her and Beth. I love that she said missing our girls. I'm so happy for her and Beth and I'm glad I know about it so I can talk to Viv when she needs advice but I wish leah knew as well so I didn't need to keep it to myself. "I'd love to come over. I'll pack a bag and be over around half 8. I'm glad I'm not the only one missing them. See you later on" I reply back. No messages from leah though which upsets me but maybe she's just busy.

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