Chapter 20

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Riley p.o.v

"miss Cooper, lovely to meet you." a blonde women says. Her voice is familiar. She must be Megan. "I'm Megan Scott. I'll start off by showing you around and then we can go to my office and have a chat, this is completely informal I want you to feel at ease." Megan says kindly and I do start to relax a little. It's very easy going here. Megan shows me around the building and the recording studio. I meet a few writers and composers. They all say its amazing what I've done with my music by myself. I continue to walk around and I notice a pattern. Everyone is congratulating me. I don't know why because I haven't signed anything or agreed to be with them but everyone is saying it. "hi miss Cooper. Congratulations on the news. Its wonderful to see." a women I've never met says. I just smile and nod. "Megan, sorry to ask but why is everyone congratulating me?" I ask nervously hoping I haven't offended her or the company. "your big news? I thought it was very sweet." okay, I'm lost. "sorry, what news?" I genuinely have no idea what is going on. Megan looks at me just as confused as I look at her. "you and leah williamson?" what? Oh my god was that picture leaked? "oh, uh. Yeah that." is all I say. Megan doesn't say anything else and we go to her office. "okay, miss Cooper..." you can call me Riley." I interrupt. I hope it wasn't rudely. " sorry, Riley, we would love to sign you to our record label. We would take 40% of your sales and part own your songs. You can continue to write your own songs and our team can help with collaborations but you wouldn't be able to just release songs without an agreement. We will do advertising for your songs and arrange events or signings for you to do to promote yourself. We can arrange talk shows and radio interviews to help get your name out there. You'll also be paid 1million U.S.D to help you get settled in. I have an contract here, you can read over it and get back to me." Megan hands me the contract and I am stunned. " do you have any questions? " I have one that I've wanted to ask from the start. " will I have to move, to America? " Megan looks at me. " I understand your personal reasons for wanting to stay in England. We can support you better from America and give you more opportunity to attend events. It would be easier to have meetings or sessions but if you do not want to move here we can still offer you to sign with us. Just consider the move. It will benefit your career more and get you more coverage." I smile and nod. I leave Sony and turn my phone back on. The minute I do I have thousands of notifications. That photo must've been leaked to have this many notifications. I unlock my phone and I'm shocked. Its not the leaked photo. Its leah. Leah has put up an insta post with photos of me. Of us. Calling me her girl. Oh my god that's why everyone was congratulating me. No wonder Megan was confused I didn't know. I don't understand why leah did it without telling me. She's more private than I am and now she's just confirmed that we are together, it just seems weird. I think it has something to do with this meeting. I think she's worried I'm going to leave her. I like the post and decide to write a comment back.

Leah p.o.v

Riley liked my post. Shit. I feel so sick. What if she flips out at me. What if she is didn't want this. What have I done? My phone pings again.
Riley commented on my post. Oh no. I click on the comment.

"thank you my love, couldnt do it without you by my side. ❤️"

I let out a sigh of relief. Phew, she's okay. I can relax now. Just as I go to call Riley her name flashes on my phone. "hey you." I say happily. "hey, meet me. I'll send my location. Bring the girls." is all Riley says and ends the call. Maybe she is mad. Or maybe she is going to tell us she's staying here. Oh my god she is. I quickly grab Beth and Viv and head to Rileys location. "slow down leah." Beth says basically jogging next go me. "I need to know." is all I say. "she's not staying leah." Viv says like she knows what Rileys thinking. "you don't know that. Maybe she's been given a great opportunity, something I can't give her or England can't give her. You don't know she won't leave." I shout out. I'm sad and im frustrated and I didn't meant to shout at Viv but she doesn't know Riley won't leave. " I may not know a lot, but I know Riley would give up everything else to not lose you. I know that you gave her a purpose and made her feel like she wasn't invisible. Riley isn't going to do anything that could cost her you. That is how I know she won't move here." Viv shouts back. "plus she can't leave. She's like my little sister. It isn't just you that has a close bond to her. We bonded so much when you were at camp. We spend almost every night together, slept on the couch together. So you're not the only one worried but I at least know she won't stay for you and that's what's stopping me from freaking out." this time Vivs voice breaks and I can tell she's holding back the tears. I just hug her. I forgot how close her and Riley are. Viv is always there for Riley and it won't just be me that misses her. " come on, let's go see Riley." I say and we all walk.

Riley p.o.v

I had to end the call with leah quickly because I was about to be served. As I was walking I seen a jewellery shop. I noticed a beautiful silver band ring that I thought leah would love. So I decided to buy it. I didn't want leah to hear so I quickly ended the call and sent her the location of Starbucks. I buy the ring and head to Starbucks. I wait for the girls to arrive and when I see them they all seem tense. "good day?" I say jokily. None of them laughed. Okay... "what's up?" I question hoping to find out what's gone on. "are you moving here?" Beth asks. Well more like blurts out. "what? Why would you think that?" "your contract with sony?" viv says. I can feel myself getting annoyed and I'm trying to be understanding but they haven't even asked how it went. "okay, first of all. Thank you all for taking time to ask how my meeting went. It was wonderful. They have a Starbucks inside their canteen. I had four coffees. It was a good day. Also. Yes they did want to sign me and they've gave me a contract to look over. One that I was wanting to look over with you guys and talk about. Oh and let's not forget leah posting about our relationship moments before my meeting so everyone is congratulating me for something I have no idea about. Which, by the way I'm not annoyed at you for posting. I loved the post and I appreciate you so much but it wasn't the best time and I really needed to be aware of you doing it but It was very cute and I'm glad we don't need to hide anymore. However. Through all that the one question I did ask Megan was if I had to move to America, I told you before the meeting if I had to move I wouldn't take the contract. Do none of you believe me? Do you all think I'll up and leave the minute I get a good deal?" I am so frustrated. I have so much going on right now and I just wish the girls believed in me more. " Riley I'm sorry." leah says sincerely. " it's okay, it's honestly fine. I am stressed and overwhelmed and I just took it out on you all. I'm sorry." " can we see the contract?" leah asks. I just smile. "it looks super fancy. Honestly I feel so weird even holding it. No clue what half of it means." I show them the contract and they laugh at how clueless I am. We all look through it and they agree it's a great contract and opportunity. "it says they'll give you a villa here to stay in." leah reads out. "yeah Megan told me I can move here if I want to but if I want to stay in England I can. I'm obviously  choosing to stay in england." I speak out and they all let out a sigh. I love these girls. "so when will you sign it?" viv questions. "how about right now?" I question. "In Starbucks?" leah laughs. "why not its where I met you and we turned out pretty good." I smile. "we definitely did. It's a good luck charm." leah kisses my head and I sign the contract. That's it. I now work for Sony. Holy shit. "well our little super star. Let's go back to the hotel and celebrate." viv says and we leave. As we are walking back we get to a beautiful spot. The sun is just setting so I decide to give leah her gift now. "hey, wait." I stop the girls and get the box out of my pocket. I hand the box to leah and tell her to open it. "you aren't proposing right?" leah jokes. "as if. You'll be one getting down on one knee. You'll be the same height as me if you did." I joke back. "just open it." I start to get nervous. Leah opens the box and has a huge smile. "Riley it's lovely. You shouldn't have." leah gets the ring out and puts it on her ring finger but on her right hand. "I seen your insta post and It really was sweet. I'm glad I can finally show you off to the world. Be happy with you and be free. You mean so much to me leah and nothing is ever going to compare to how I feel when I am with you." leah has tears in her eyes. She kisses me and we head back to the hotel. Beth took some photos of me and leah and sent them to us. She's cute when she wants to be. I'm glad she captured the moment. We go to bed as we have an early flight tomorrow. I crawl into bed and let leah lay on my chest. "I really am so proud of you." leah says. "I'm so proud of us. You're going to win the euros and the world Cup and I'm going to write music and songs about our life." I say happily.

"one day our kids will get to hear about our story through your songs." leah says and I freeze. Leah looks up at me.

"wait, do you want kids?"

Well Riley is going back to England but do the girls both want the same thing? Will that change things for them? What do you think life will be like for them now?

Thank you so much for reading and I love the comments on what you all think the couple will do. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying creating this story. Xxx

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