Chapter 60

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First of all, a massive thank you to each and every single one of you for following along with this story. We've gotten to chapter 60 and to me that's crazy. I started to write this book as a way to remove myself from real life and create a world that isn't real but at least I am in control of how the story goes.

My last update was obviously a personal one and I think it shows just how important these apps are, not just to write fan fictions on celebrities or famous people but to bring a group of readers and writers together. We may all have lives that are different from each others but we all come on this app and find some peace in it. We may get very invested in stories and look forward to a new update or we may just use the app to pass the time. Whatever reason you all have for choosing to read my books, for choosing to support me I thank you. Without all your wonderful comments and support along the way i would not be writing my 60th chapter of a book I had no idea was going to be so special to me.

My last update on this book proves how powerful this site is. It isn't just as simple as writing or reading a book, we are there for one another even if we don't know them. We support each other and we care, so this one is for all of my wonderful readers that take time out of their day to read something I created, to all of the writers that spend hours writing about their own stories and feel so proud when they publish each chapter and to everyone that wants a chance to escape reality.

This is chapter 60, enjoy.

Riley p.o.v

After a few hours of photos and pass the baby around, Leah and I were finally left by ourselves to watch over our precious little boy. Stunned at the fact he was able to sleep through all the noise and movement. To be honest I could relive this day over and over and never get tired of it. Seeing everyone's face light up and the happiness one little boy makes to everyone is just mesmerising. The tiredness is starting to kick in a little but before I can relax the midwife comes in to give us the all clear to go home, to take our tiny little baby home. Of course before we even leave the room Leah is running around checking to make sure we have absolutely everything and haven't forgotten a single wipe.
"Babe if we have forgot anything they'll just call us or post it out to us." The amount of times we found things after a patient had left was ridiculous but most of the time they got their belongings back.
"I'm just checking... yep it looks like we are ready to go." Leah stands back to her feet after a careful examination under the bed, in case we forget oh I dunno some dirt from our shoes? Who knows.

As we walk out I take a few steps back and capture Leah holding Ollie's car seat as she walks out of the hospital with him. I feel this is a moment she will want to remember and I for one never will forget. Both of our smiles clear as day as we exit the hospital we went into together and leaving as three of us.

Just as we reach the car a little boy runs over to us, almost running into Leah as he does.
"Hi Leah." The boy says as leah goes to unlock the car.
When she turns around I swear her face lit up.
"Hi buddy, what are you doing out here?" Leah asks, still holding Ollie's car seat protectively but also now protectively over this little boy, who I'm almost certain is the little boy that Leah named our son after.
"Dads just putting my brother in his car seat, but I knew it was you so I came to say hi." Yep it's him.
"Well it's great to see you again Ollie. This is Riley." Leah points me out and I wave.
"That's the girl you love right?"
"That's the one." Leah smirks.
"She's pretty. You did a good job." I can't help but laugh at his innocence and cuteness.
"Ollie, you can't just run away. Twice in one day and people are going to be asking questions on my parenting skills." This must be Ollie dad.
"I'd be more concerned that each time you find your son he seems to be with Leah." I joke and they all laugh.
"Lovely to meet you officially Riley, Leah has spoke to highly of you and of course I'm familiar with your songs, I may have your album." Ollie's dad says and I smile, knowing he probably feels a bit embarrassed that he's admitted that.
"It's okay we all have a guilty pleasure." I smile.
"I have to get back as the wife's wanting some decent food so I'll probably take her to McDonald's. The hospital food was not good at all." I laugh at his statement. Yeah unfortunately it's not five stars and the lack of options too is crazy. It's one thing I hated when I worked at the hospital. The meals were never high quality and I understand we are a government funded health care but that shouldn't change the standards we set. Well I don't anymore but I still advocate for a health care system we can be proud of.
"Wait daddy, Leah has a baby like Ethan." We all direct our eyes to Leah's arm still holding up our little boy in his car seat that he most definitely is too small for. He looks like a little doll inside it.
"Yeah Ollie, this is my son, Ollie." Leah says making me laugh a little but as she looks between the two boys I can only see a proud smile on her face. This little kid definitely helped Leah, In more ways than I thought.
"Wait, his names Ollie too?" The wee boy looks to Leah.
"Yeah, when I look at him I'll always remember you and when he grows up he will know all about you, and one day he will be an amazing big brother just like you are. Plus we had to name him after you, you gave him, his first teddy." Leah shows the teddy tucked in beside our Ollie.
"Thank you Leah, one day I'm going to meet your son and I'll take care of him, one day he will be my best friend." My eyes begin to water, don't do this to me kid I have hormones flying all over the shop I'm not afraid to break down in this car park.

We say our goodbyes after another few moments of ollie meeting ollie. I feel it was very fitting for them to have met, I hope it is not for the last time.

Now I would like to say this is the time Leah and I drive off with our son and we have smiles on our faces and we hold each others hand and everything is perfect but... it wouldn't be Leah and I if this went smoothly.

"Babe I'm telling you it's not secure."  Leah says taking Ollie back out of the car seat for the fourth time. Now can I just say this car seat has a base, all Leah has to do is put the part that can come off, on to the base and clip it in. Ollie is already in his car seat he came out of the hospital in his car seat so why she continues to take him out of the car seat completely baffles me as he could be in the car seat whilst she clips the car seat in. I'm not sure if I'm getting across right now how severely frustrated I am but what I will say is please watch parenting videos with your partner before you have your first child with them, because my wife right now is a paranoid wreck, I swear at one point she looked under the car for a bomb she's that anal about this.

"Sweetheart, how about we put Ollie back in his car seat, you move out the way and start heating up the car and I'll clip him in?" I say trying to be as supportive as possible as I know she's worried and she just wants to protect him but I also just pushed him out of me and I want to be the wife that goes and gets a McDonald's after labour and I know for a fact every time she's clipped the car seat in it has been correct, she is just stressed.
"It's done, I got it." She says. Oh thank the lord.
"Nope, no let's go. Come on I'll check it the now you get in the car." I playfully push Leah to the drivers door and I even open it for her. I check Ollie's car seat which is more secure than the kings palace, I kiss Ollie's little head and go to the passenger seat.
"Who'd of thought you'd be the calm one." Leah jokes as I plug my seatbelt in.
"Trust me, any longer and I was eating you for dinner." I say but then instantly regret it.
"Oh yeah? Wouldn't be the first time." She winks and I can't help but smirk.
"You'll be waiting a while Williamson, my down stairs area needs some TLC first." I joke as I look in my mirror to watch our sleeping baby, all that pain is worth every second of him being here.
"Don't worry beautiful, I'll give you all the TLC you'll ever need." Leah squeezes my leg and I inhale sharply.
"When's that awards show again?" I bite my lip.
"Not soon enough, but don't worry it'll give us plenty of time to imagine all the things we will get up to"
"Yeah like sleeping." I joke.
"Probably." Leah says making us both laugh.

As much as Leah and I joke, we know we will still be able to provide each other with the same amount of love and affection as we did before, probably even more now. Having Ollie will maybe cause us to have some sleepless nights and our date nights might be pyjamas and wine now but I would not change anything for the world, our boy is here. He is coming home with us and he has changed our lives forever. I never wanted to be a mum but now I love it more than anything else. Leah gave me this life, gave me a family and without her I wouldn't know what any of this feels like. Leah made me a wife and Ollie made me a mummy and all I can say right now is.
I love you Leah Williamson and I love you Oliver Williamson and I promise to keep loving you and to never leave either of you. I'll fight and I'll forever fight to make sure neither of you experience the life I did, you'll both be loved unconditionally until I take my last breathe on this earth.
I'll love you both till the day I die!


Not a massive one for a 60th chapter however I want to get a build up. I hope you like it and thank you all again for every bit of support you've provided me.

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