You like Chaos (fluff)

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Summary: As they are approaching the end of their 6th year, the Marauders are planning their annual pre-summer goodbye prank.
When they need access to the Slytherin Common Room, James decides to ask Regulus for help. But why should Regulus help them pranking his own house?
Simple: James is convinced, Regulus secretly loves Chaos, craves the Chaos even.
And if there is something James can cause in the life of a young Black, it is chaos. And in Regulus' case, specifically, also a little more.

Translations for the french bits at the end.


The Marauders had a new idea for a prank. It was supposed to be their big goodbye for the ending 6th year. Because it was supposed to be their big thing this year, they needed months of planning.

The first step was to acquire the password for the Slytherin common room.

This was fairly easy. James simply took the invisibility cloak and followed a few Slytherin students down to the dungeons one afternoon.

The current password was Victoria de Gryffindor

They waited until Supper the next day. Every Slytherin student should have been in the great hall, giving James and Sirius the perfect opportunity to get familiar with the Slytherin commons.

They put the invisibility cloak over their heads just in case someone stayed behind or was running late.

The Slytherin commons were designed in green, silver, and black. It felt rich and aristocratic, in a cold, detached way. When James had imagined the Slytherin common room, he honestly imagined a dungeon. This wasn't so different from the Gryffindor common room, just that it was less soft and homey. But maybe it appealed to Slytherins.

One wall of the room was made out of glass and gave a view of the black lake. Now, this was stunning. Frightening, but stunning.

The room seemed positively empty, short of a crackling fire and some mumbling portraits.

"I wouldn't go any further if I were you," a voice suddenly said from one of the dark leather couches near the fire.

James and Sirius looked at each other and quickly checked whether they were really covered from head to toe under the cloak.

The person stood up from the couch and looked directly at them. It was none other than Sirius' brother, Regulus. He held a book in his pale hand, and his grey eyes seemed to be trained on them, although James was sure, he couldn't see them.

"Well, come out now."
James looked at Sirius, who shook his head.

Regulus sighed and then simply chucked the book at them. It hit James flat in the chest.

"Ow," he cursed and pulled the cloak off, "What the hell, Regulus."
"How did you know, we were here?" Sirius asked.

"You mean, how did I notice that the door to my common room opened, but no one seemed to come in? Your  shoes are very loud for one, and I know that smug strut of yours, Potter."

James just rolled his eyes at that.
"Come on, Reggie, just act like you didn't see us. We promise, to not do anything to your things."
Regulus shook his head, "Forget it. You two knob heads are gonna leave now. And I will change the password later. Also, just so you know, we change that password every fortnight anyways. Last week it was Gryffindor peut sucer nos bites."

"That doesn't sound very Latin," James noted.
"It's French," Sirius said, "It means Gryffindors can suck our dicks."  
"In honour of our win against you, at the last match," Regulus was happy to supply.

"How nice," James said, "It sounds more like some of your housemates confuse their wet dreams with insults."
Regulus awarded him with a half-smile.

"Piss off now. Or do I have to hex you?"
"Why aren't you at supper anyways?"
"I was waiting for you, of course. I saw you two scheming idiots waiting near the door to the great hall with that cloak. We're approaching the end of term; you are due for some daft new thing that is going to win Slytherin the house cup once more."

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