Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me (SMUT) [part 3/3]

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Wow, sorry that took so long but I've been so fucking stressed you have no idea.

I have finally finished writing my Bachelor Thesis and handed it in <3.

Now, I still have to write 2 more papers. One of which is for Sociolinguistics for which I spend a week deep-diving into Alpha Male content and an Incel Forum. I've read literally dozens of incel posts screaming for my death. So, that was fun. I now have interesting statistics about people using the word "female" instead of "woman".

Anyway, let's finally get to why we are here: Bloody Biting Porn. (and murder) Enjoy.


"Come upstairs with me, I've got a present for you," James whispers to him when Regulus just finished breakfast.

"This might be one of your more creative attempts of getting me into bed, but okay." Regulus shrugs, puts the Starbucks cup away and follows James upstairs.

"It's not an attempt of getting you into bed... not more than anything else I say, at least." James smirks over his shoulder.

They get to his room, Regulus closes the door, and James sits down on his bed, which only proves Regulus right. He follows him though and sits down next to him.

They spend a lot of their time making out these days, which is wonderful. But Regulus does want to go further, he wants to be close to James again, really close... the way they used to. He can feel his body being pulled in by the presence of this man. He wants to be with him, body and soul. He wants to be touched by him again, sensually. He wants to feel him everywhere.

But at the same time, the thoughts scare him. It scares him how it might feel, how it might be different, what it would do to him... whether it will make him lose control.

Sure, to an extend James might be into that but only as long as he is alive.

Regulus has the power to kill. It's a scary thing.

"Hey," James says and gets his attention back. "I actually do have a present for you."


"Because you're my boyfriend and I love you?" James leans over and pecks his lips.

Regulus smiles at him. James reaches under his bed and pulls up three books.

"Books," Regulus exclaims delighted. "I'm awake all night when all of you are in bed, I almost got through your entire library at this point."

James grins. "Not just any books. If you want more, just say so. I'll get you anything you want to read. No, these are books about vampires. Non-fiction."

Regulus can feel the smile drop from his face. "Oh."

"You know, I think we both realised that you know almost nothing about yourself. You used to always be curious and do research on everything. But not on this? The Thrall, the mind-reading... Who knows what other powers you might be capable of. So maybe, you should read these books and get a bit more... acquainted with being a Vampire. Maybe it will help you feel better about a lot of things."

Regulus hums and looks at the books like they personally harmed him.

James reaches out for his hand. "Reg, are you okay?"

"Yes. Just... I- I avoided books like this so far because... I don't know, they're usually like monster guides and stuff. I don't want to read about myself like that."

James scoffs. "Who do you think you're dating, Love? I've been Remus Lupin's best friend for like eight years. I know how to pick books that talk respectfully about you. Not my first rodeo."

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