I'm only here because of you (fluff)

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Regulus ran away from home and lives with the Potters now. To celebrate both Black brothers living with them, the Potters decide to take a mini vacation to the beach.

After a day spent staring and trying to get one's crush's attention, James asks Regulus to go out to the beach with him in the middle of the night - just the two of them without Sirius and Remus.

James tries to flirt by showing off his muscles
Regulus tries to flirt by reading love declarations out loud.
Both miss the cues - Sirius is very oblivious as usual, Remus is not


Sirius Black ran away to the Potters on Christmas Eve in his 5th year – Regulus' 4th year.

Regulus himself took his most important things after the Easter holidays in his 5th year and by the end of that year did not go home.

Instead, he came with Sirius and James to the Potters.

"Ask me," He had said to Sirius before, "Ask me to come with you again."

Sirius, mouth hanging open in shock, had just stared at him. James had finally elbowed him in the side.

"Reggie please leave that house and come live with me at James's place," Sirius had said then, echoing his words from that one Christmas Eve when he had tried to get Regulus to come with him.

Regulus has had a plan then, you see. He had planned to stay with his family, take Sirius' place and continue to be the good son.

Something has come between him and that plan – or someone.

Someone who had made it his task to check in with Regulus, cheer him up, be his friend, when Regulus had refused to talk to his brother – or anyone, really.

"I will," Regulus had said to his brother finally, then he had turned around and left.

Now they were at the beach. The Potters thought they should celebrate Regulus' stay by going to the beach with him. Assuming correctly that their parents had never taken the boys to the beach before.

Regulus didn't care for water or sand or dirt or the sun and especially he did not care for the heat he was supposed to enjoy.

The only upside he has found so far was James Potter walking around shirtless at any given moment.

It was the only thing that held him at the beach.

He sat in his chair underneath a huge umbrella with a book in a black t-shirt and black trousers. His eyes were hidden behind black sunglasses, so no one could see he wasn't reading one word but stared at James as if he was trying to map him like the night sky in Astronomy class.

Remus Lupin has come with them. He recently downgraded from Sirius' friend to Sirius' boyfriend, so he was invited to join them.

He didn't share Regulus' hate for everything beach related. But he shared his love for books and cool shadows.

So, while Sirius and James were tackling each other in the sand, building lopsided towers, throwing mud at each other, and ran and jumped into the water, seemingly trying to drown each other from time to time, Remus and Regulus were sitting side by side, reading their respective books.

Occasionally, one would read aloud a funny or interesting passage. Well, Remus did it mostly, because Regulus was too distracted when James stood in the middle of the water, letting the sun hit his half-naked body with full force.

"You're staring," Remus said.

"Fuck off," Regulus looked back at his book.

Remus smirked, "Quick, act innocent, they're coming."

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