I had all and then Most, Some and now None of you (angst)

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When James Potter was 17 he fell in love.
When James Potter was 23, his boyfriend Regulus disappeared after following a lead to a Voldemord-aligned Vampire's nest. For the next five years, James is obsessed with finding that Vampire clan and killing them, taking his revenge on the creatures that ruined his life.
When James is 28, he finally learns the location of the clan... and more


When James Potter was 17 years old he fell in love.

It was nothing new or special, really, James fell in love all the time. He fell in love with Lily Evans when he was 11 years old and then every year anew. He had a crush on someone else every other week in school.

But at 17 it all changed. Maybe it was because of the person he fell in love with, maybe it was because this person actually liked him back -maybe it was because this person actually liked him, wanted him.

Not the head boy, the quidditch player, the handsome heir, the cool marauder – just him. Just James Potter – a little cocky, a little obnoxious, a loud mouth and a scattered brain.

Regulus Black wanted him.

Regulus was easily the most beautiful person at Hogwarts – anyone who tried to contest this had to deal with James.

Regulus was a witty, sharp-tongued, closed-off boy who often looked at him with an expression that read „Why, oh why, did I have to fall in love with you of all people" – James found it pretty funny, especially because it always quickly shifted into „Oh, that's why" or „It doesn't matter, I love you anyway"

Being loved by Regulus Black was simultaneously the easiest and hardest thing he has ever done.

Regulus had a lot of moods James had to adapt to. On some days, talking to him was like taking a mindless stroll on a mined field.

Regulus was very quiet sometimes, very tired, and just existed by his side why he filled his silence with words and jokes and little stories – he would say, they worked well that way.

Regulus would always put his entire focus and attention on one thing and one thing only – meaning he often (accidentally) ignored James for hours. But just as often all that focus, and attention lay on him and James could never be happier.

There had been of course the small problem of Regulus being his best friend's little brother.

He had seen that disaster and jumped in head first. – Sirius had a minor breakdown when he caught Regulus sleeping in James' arms in their dorm room.

Sirius had a major breakdown when Regulus teased him with the fact that he let James „fuck me day and night until I scream the fucking castle down"

Sirius calmed down eventually – he loved to be dramatic about it for years, though.

When James was 19, he decided he wanted to marry Regulus Black.

Not yet, but one day.

They just moved in together and reconciled after their first real fight of living together (it was something laughably unimportant like James not doing laundry or Regulus accidentally ignoring him for two days straight because he was working on some potion.)

Yes, one day, he would marry Regulus Black, be his husband and make him happy for the rest of his life.

When James was 20, the war started.

They were caught up in it all. Innocent happiness and all-encompassing love were side-lined for a bloody and ruthless war that Regulus never wanted to be part of.

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