(Not quite) Strangers on a Train (SMUT) [part1/2]

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Notes: GWR = Great Western Railway
apparently, they're a bit like the Deutsche Bahn, so Britain's main national train... people idk.
This piece was written by a German dedicated to the Deutsche Bahn.
DB, I love you but you are the bane of my existence. I hope you will get more funding. It is not your fault that you suck ass. It's the politicians.

Summary: James has to go from London to Newport for Sirius' birthday party.
The trains don't work out the way they should and he makes the acquaintance of a hot stranger who has the same destination as him.

James' conclusion: Trains suck. But not only them.


James hates long train rides. There is nothing worse than being forced to sit for hours and hours on end, having nothing to do.

Unfortunately, James moved to London to go to university there, while his best friends all stayed in their respective homes. – Well, not quite. His best friend in the world used to live in London. Years ago, he ran away from home and moved in with James. Now, he lives in Newport, Wales with his boyfriend Remus. Remus is of course another one of James' best friends. He was born in Wales, but the two moved to Newport because, according to Sirius, it has a significant rock music scene.

Be that as it may, it means James has to sit on a train for roughly two hours. Delays expected.

He boards at Paddington station. He finds his seat pretty quickly, desperately hoping he can sit on his own at least in the beginning. – Of course, he isn't so lucky.

In the window seat sits a young man with black hair, black jeans and a green sweater. His jacket lies on James' seat. Great.

James stows his luggage away, hoping the man will notice him and remove his jacket. He does not.

"Hey, I think this is my seat, so could you..." the man doesn't seem to hear him. Well, fuck this. James touches his arm. The man turns around and glares at him. He clicks on his headphones to stop his music and raises an eyebrow at him.

"That's my seat, mate, take up your stuff."

The man rolls his eyes and places his jacket in his lap.

"Thanks," James mumbles and sits.

The train starts moving slowly. James reaches into his pockets to get his own headphones out – and of course, of fucking course, he forgot them! Two hours on this shitty train next to the rude bloke and he forgot his headphones.

He leans his head back and sighs deeply. He looks past the man out of the window. His eyes get hung up on the man, however.

He is quite handsome. He has black curls, sticking up a little unruly from his face like he didn't care to style them in the morning. Long lashes throw deep shadows over faint freckles on pale cheeks, he has a straight nose and high cheekbones.

The man notices his staring and turns to him. He pauses his music again.

"What's your fucking problem?"

"Nothing. Sorry." James turns away from him.

"Wanker," the man mutters under his breath.

You're the wanker. James thinks childishly. A very handsome wanker.

After about ten minutes, the man pulls out a book and starts reading. James takes out his phone to check the group chat with his friends. The chat is titled The Marauders – a stupid nickname they gave their friend group while attending boarding school together.

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