His Brother on the Other Hand... (fluff)

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Summary: Regulus and his friends are at a Gryffindor Party. James is drunk, Sirius is dancing on a table and Remus finds out a secret about his friends.
The next morning, Sirius tries to find out who lies in his best friend's bed.

Another Sirius finds out about Jegulus OS because they still amuse me


Gryffindor Parties are really something – everybody will tell you so.

Especially when organised by Lily and executed by the Marauders.

While the party takes place in Gryffindor Tower, members of other houses are generally welcome. A new password is set up and passed on in advance.

When Sirius ran away from his family in his 6th year (he is in his 7th year now), he took his little brother Regulus with him -both live with James Potter now.

It's no big surprise to see Regulus and his friends at a Gryffindor party now. Barty always brings booze, so he is very welcome. Evan and Pandora are funny and great company and Marlene specifically insists on Dorcas coming with Regulus to the Parties.

Regulus would never call himself a party-goer. He indulges Pandora at times and dances with her at the edge of the crowd. Usually, he sits or stands somewhere, drinks, and watches the people.

James is dancing unbothered next to Remus who watches him amused, sips on his drink and every now and then throws a look towards Sirius, making sure his boyfriend (who is currently dancing on a table) is still alive and unharmed (he has a habit of falling off said table at some point during the parties)

James has his eyes trained on the other side of the room, where Regulus stands next to Pandora, he smiles when she leans in to say something to him over the music.

„His smile is so beautiful," he says out loud without really meaning to.

Remus, who is staring over at Sirius, sighs, „Yes..."

They stare at their respective object of affection until Remus frowns and looks up suddenly.

„Wait, what? Whose?"

Remus tries to follow James' dreamy gaze and lands on Sirius, who is dancing suggestively, rolling his hips and winking in their direction.

„James Potter, you better not be staring at my fucking boyfriend."

„Your boyfriend?," James says, looking at Remus now, „What – Sirius? No, no of course not – he's my best friend! .... His brother on the other hand..."

Remus looks again, past Sirius, where Regulus stands.

„I take it back, please be staring at my boyfriend."

James sighs and keeps staring at Regulus.

„James!" Remus hisses in his ear, „What the fuck, that's Sirius' little brother – your brother's brother!"

James pulls a face, „No... no, that's my sweetheart – don't tell him I said that he would be -" James starts giggling, „He wouldn't like that."

„That you give his little brother a pet name? Yeah, no shit he won't like that."

„No, not Sirius. Regulus. He doesn't like it when I call him sweetheart – but he's one, I swear he is."

Remus is raking his fingers through his hair, „Fucking Hell, did someone put a love potion into your drink?"

„Nah," James says quietly, it gets almost lost in the music, he sips on his drink, „He wouldn't do that. He is" He chuckles „He is way too disappointed in himself for liking me back to do something like putting a potion in my drink. No, he'd ignore it if I wasn't so bloody persistent – he's said so."

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