Paper Stars [Fluff]

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Summary: James and Sirius have the same Christmas Wish, albeit for very different reasons. They want Regulus to run away and spend Christmas with them.
They don't believe it will actually happen until a well-dressed, scared boy turns up on the Potter's door step.


The Christmas Holidays are about to begin. The roofs of the castle, the forest and the lands are covered in snow. The black lake is frozen, tempting students to walk on it and transfigure stones into ice skates. James and Sirius are the first ones to try, as they are every year. They are also the first ones to land in detention for it, as they are every year.

It is early in the morning. The sun hasn't even risen, as it is late December. James doesn't care. He has followed a rigorous training program since he joined the Gryffindor team in his third year. Every morning, he got up and ran around the Black Lake before going to breakfast early and then returning to his dorm to wake his friends, shower, and get dressed.

Every morning for the past year and a half, the only other person having breakfast at that time was Regulus Black. James isn't sure what chases his friend's brother out of bed and into the Great Hall at that hour – he isn't running with him.

For the past months (since the beginning of the school year), James has been talking to Regulus.

Well, he tried.

Every morning that they were alone, James took his breakfast and went to the Slytherin table.

"Good morning, Reggie," he'd say every time.

"Don't call me that," he'd answer every time.

The tiny dialogue became so common between them that no matter what James called him in the morning, Regulus's answer stayed the same.

After the first month, James dared to keep the conversation going. "What is your first lesson today? How are you doing today? Did you sleep well? Do you like Ancient Runes? Are you excited for the game today? How is the toast?"

Regulus always sighs at his toast and answers dutifully, usually in one-word phrases.

"Potions. Meh. No. Yes. Hm. Fine."

James came to enjoy these mornings and conversations. Lately, for the past month or so, Regulus has talked more. He told him about annoying homework, annoying teachers, annoying teammates – he is annoyed a lot.

He also started asking James questions. He smiles when James tells him stories or makes stupid jokes.

Last week, he laughed.

Regulus Black laughed, and James thought he witnessed a thick wall of clouds breaking apart, revealing clear skies and the summer sun.

Regulus's entire family is made of beautiful people, one more alluring than the next. So far, Sirius was regarded as the most beautiful of them. Anyone who thinks so has never seen Regulus laugh.

This December morning, the day they would board the train and go home, held a surprise in store for James.

He keeps a few light bubbles floating around his head while running in the dark. They shed a bit of light around him so he doesn't run into things, but they don't offer a broad view ahead. He startles when a shadowy figure suddenly appears in front of him.

James stops. Maybe it is a teacher about to scold him. He sends one of the lights towards the figure. He remains standing there motionlessly and lets the light float around his head until James recognises him.


James can recognise that face from miles away. He should have known from the posture, really.

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