A Good Bad Thing [fluff, funny]

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Hey guys, so sorry, forgot to post this
I know things are slow here rn but I'm writing exams soon so i have to study a lot. I am working on a ballet-dancer-Reg thing rn tho. I'm slowly posting it on ao3 "The Star Dancer" - when I'm done posting it there I'll maybe post it here too

Summary: Regulus has been avoiding James for 10 days and he doesn't know why. Is this the end of their relationship? Is it even a relationship? Regulus doesn't really want to commit to it or call them boyfriends although they have been a couple in all but name for a year.
While James is losing his mind about this, Regulus suddenly stands in his flat, yelling and screaming at James - who is very confused and a little turned on.


James was sitting on his couch in his flat, lazily flipping through the pages of Quidditch Times. It was getting late, and his stomach was telling him in no uncertain terms that he should get dinner started. He wasn't really in the mood to cook. It was one of those boredom-driven days where James considered doing a million things throughout the day but at the end of it did nothing and still came out too tired to do anything more taxing than reading or putting on a muggle movie. – Lily gifted him her old TV a few months ago when she and her girlfriend got a new one.

They broke up over a year ago – Lily and James, not Lily and her girlfriend. It was amicable. There was no drama, cheating, or screaming – somehow, that made it worse. Sometimes, James would sit in his flat and wonder why it ended at all. He had chased that girl for years, finally got her, and then they broke up a few years later. Sure, there were disagreements, but no significant event led to the relationship's dramatic implosion. It just ended. It was confusing. He had to remove himself from her and their friends' lives for a while in an effort to get over her.

He was over her by now. He was sure about that. Sitting in his flat with the thunder rolling outside and rain pouring into the streets, he didn't think about how nice it would be to have Lily in his arms. No, not her.

The person he wanted to be here has been avoiding him for over a week.

They weren't together, not really. They hooked up every week. They made out with more passion than James had ever had with anyone else. They kissed in public, went on little dates, slept at each other's place, and even kept clothes at each other's place. He even had a key to James's flat – but they weren't boyfriends. No, that would be too much commitment.

Now, the bloke has been avoiding him for ten days, and James wondered if he was supposed to take this to mean that they were done.

James shut Quidditch Times and flung it across the room, closing his eyes and sighing deeply.

He was close to going to the flat upstairs and asking his best friend what was going on with his not-boyfriend. Except that Sirius didn't know why he would ask. Sirius couldn't know about his precious baby brother routinely sneaking out of James's flat after getting lucky three times a night.

Sirius has always been unreasonably protective of his sibling and still treated him like a child. This has always been unnecessary as Regulus had been perfecting his ball-kicking technique since he was 12 years old, and a bunch of Slytherin boys were mean to him in his common room.

Yes, Regulus Black.

Ambitious, sarcastic, iron-willed, beautiful, stubborn Regulus Black who had the most adorable smile, the prettiest silver eyes, and the hottest way of punching weirdos in the jaw James has ever seen.

James's name has never sounded better than cried from Regulus's lips in ecstasy.

It all started because James needed a distraction from Lily, and he and Regulus were doing their morning runs together (an old habit from their Quidditch days.) Now, Regulus didn't even want to run or work out with him, and James had no idea what the fuck he did wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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