May I Fulfill Your Dirty Fantasies about Me? [part1/2](SMUT)

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Summary: Regulus has had a crush on James forever. He is ready to give up all hope of James ever liking him back, when one afternoon, he walks by James' room, hearing him moan his name, and later finds a picture of himself in James' bed.
Teasing ensues. And one afternoon they're finally alone.


Sirius has always been fiercely protective of his brother. No matter how quiet Regulus stayed while their mother took out her anger on Sirius. No matter that Regulus was sorted into Slytherin. Sirius has always known Regulus loved him. He knew it in how he would come to him after the punishments and take care of him and comfort him. He knew it in the way he would just sit next to him in silence and spend time with him.

Regulus was a shy and quiet child. For his entire 10th and 11th year he has not uttered a word, not one. While Sirius was concerned, his parents merely praised his good behaviour. Regulus was used to silence and being silenced.

That changed when he was fourteen.

At fourteen, his brother woke him up one night, forced him out of his bed, threw some clothes into a bag and kidnapped him. Regulus never asked what was happening and where they were going. He trusted Sirius with his life.

Sirius brought them to the Potter house. "It's our new home," he said, "These people will never hurt us, and Mother will never get to us again. I promise it. I'll protect you."

So, Regulus moved in with James Potter and his parents. He didn't have to be silent then. He didn't have to behave perfectly under the threat of curses and hexes. While developing "something reminiscent of a personality" as Sirius called it, Regulus' mind was focused on one thing and one thing only: James.

He just can't help himself. It's James.

Fit, cocky, smart-mouth wanker James Potter. He wants to hate him so badly, he really does. But next to all the cockiness and arrogance at school, he sees a different side at home: The caring friend, the kind-hearted boy, the loved child who in turn has so much love to give.

So, yes, Regulus wants him. He wants him more than he has ever wanted anything before in his life.

He just never got to make a move. He is James' best mate's little brother. They live together. One wrong move and it will be awkward for the rest of his life. He tried though. During the holidays he was always around James, invading his space, and inserting himself into whatever mischief James and Sirius were up to – much to Sirius' dismay.

Nothing ever happened, mostly because Sirius was always there. The summer and winter breaks came and went, James graduated, and one year later Regulus graduated too.

It is the July after his graduation. Regulus has essentially given up on the James front. James will move out soon. Once James is out of his proximity all hope will be lost, he knows it. Regulus isn't sure yet what he will do, maybe move in with Pandora or Evan and Barty. James' parents are doting on him. He is very much treated as the baby of the family here and they don't want to see him leave at all.

He's eighteen and has been chasing after the same boy for four years. He would be embarrassed with himself if James didn't look the way he looks. How is he supposed to get over that? How? He is just a gay teenager. People can't ask too much of him.

It is a nice July afternoon. Sirius is outside working on a muggle machine he calls "motorbike" and "love of my life" in turns which Regulus finds deeply unsettling. James' parents are outside as well, working in the garden. Regulus was reading in his room until a minute ago. He just went to the bathroom and on the way back he has to pass James' room. That's when he hears it.

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