The Storm [fluff]

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Summary: Regulus had a bad day. He keeps overthinking everything, especially his relationship, and his mood is at rock bottom. Luckily, James is there to comfort him.

If you had a bad day and need a pick-me-up, read this <3


When Regulus left in the early afternoon the sun was high and shining. It was suffocatingly hot outside. He put on the shortest and lightest clothes he felt comfortable in and left the house. He didn't even want to leave the house. He had to go to university for a course he despises. He didn't go last week, and the week before that was the first time in about three that he went. But he had to write a paper at the end of this course, so he went outside and took out the trash.

The trashcans outside were, of course, overflowing. They must pick it up tomorrow... hopefully. It's summer, and trash and summer are just... not a good combination. It's disgusting on all fronts. Why is it his job to take out the trash in summer? Well, it only is every other week. James does it the other one. Why can't he do it all summer? He probably hates it as much as Regulus does.

After taking out the trash, he ran to the store because he needed to buy a new water bottle. His other one broke.

He just doesn't have a lot of luck, does he?

He had a great idea a couple of weeks ago. It is so fucking warm and all he wants to do is drink iced coffee all day. So, he took his water bottle, filled it with iced coffee, milk, ice cubes and caramel sauce, and put it in the freezer, so he could take it with him whenever he needed. It was wonderful.

Last weekend, they had a family outing. Well, a "family" outing. It was a picnic with Sirius, Remus, and James' parents. Which is, really, a family outing in the sense that it's James' family and Regulus' brother, and Regulus doesn't want to see any other of his family members. Regulus prepared his coffee for the day like so often, but when they wanted to leave that day, the bottle fell out of the freezer, hit the ground, and broke. He could not get his mood up for the entire day.

So, today, he needed to get a new bottle so he can at least take water with him when he leaves the house again. On that note, he also needed to buy something to drink, since he wouldn't be able to refill his bottle until he reached his university.

The train ride takes about an hour. It was hot. It was sticky. There were people. It was a nightmare. He just wanted to go home, take off his clothes, and curl up somewhere until James came home.

Regulus finally got where he needed to go. And then he waited. He was early. He is always early because he hates being late, so he is always early instead. He is a very punctual person and prides himself in that, actually.

The minutes went by, and he got some other work done.

He contemplated texting James just because. But then he didn't. He didn't want to seem clingy. They've been dating for a couple of years and still, he didn't want to seem clingy. He didn't want to scare him off. Though, if you stay with a Black for about five years, that's just your own fault at that point. Either you're stupid or a masochist. Really, what was there that Regulus could do to scare James Potter off at this point? Probably not a lot.

He didn't text though.

The minutes went by, and no one showed up. It wasn't quite time for the course to start yet, but no one was there.

He has checked his emails about ten times today, hoping, begging, praying the course would get cancelled because of the heat or traffic or maybe someone was so gracious as to kill the teacher. No luck. Millions of times he has checked his emails.

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