James Potter's Application to Court Regulus Black [fluff]

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"Sirius, I need to tell you something."

James is standing in front of his mirror in the dorm. He takes a deep breath.

"Come on, Potter. More assertive. You got this. You're awesome. Just say it: I am dating your brother."

He can see the anxiety in his reflection. The sentence comes out more as a question than anything else.


He needs to tell Sirius about this and simultaneously needs to convince him that he is right for Regulus and deserves Sirius' blessing.

Regulus and James have been dating for a few months. Over the summer break after their sixth year, Sirius and Regulus ran away from home and moved in with James and his parents. (Actually, Sirius ran and dragged Regulus with him)

James, who has always thought of the boy as attractive, took the chance to get to know him better. It was quite innocent – Regulus is his best mate's brother and James wanted to be friends.

They turned into much more than friends. So much more.

James is utterly enamoured with this boy. The problem: Sirius doesn't know.

Sirius, overprotective, dramatic older brother Sirius Black, doesn't know James is dating his litter brother. Kissing his little brother. Worst of all, he is sleeping with his little brother.

James hates keeping secrets. So, he needs to tell him. He needs Sirius to be okay with this and love him because James has no intention of ever leaving Regulus. He cannot fuck this up.

"Okay, again," James tells himself and puts a grin on his face, looking at his reflection, "Hey, Sirius... Padfoot, Pads – Sirius, yeah, Hey Sirius. I need to tell you something. And you may not like it but please stay calm because it's really important to me. Yeah, good, that's good. Okay... So, you know Regulus – of course he knows Regulus, what kind of question is that? So, Regulus... Reggie... He's cute – yeah, no, I can't say that. Sirius, how would you feel about me dating Regulus?"

"You what?" Sirius suddenly exclaims from behind him.

James whips around. Sirius, Peter, and Remus are standing in the door to the dorm. Sirius is staring at him with his mouth and eyes wide open.

"Sirius. Hey." James can feel himself immediately going into panic mode. He briefly considers jumping out of a window.

"James Potter, what did you just say about my brother?"

"I think he called him cute," Peter provides helpfully.

James bites his lip, hard. Sirius comes into the room until he stands in front of him.

"Well, go on. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Uhm... well," James clears his throat, "I... Regulus and I, we... well, we're... we."

"You're you?"

"Yes. We're a... we." He brings his hands together forming a sort-of sphere as if it could explain what he is trying to say.

Remus snorts. "I think the word you're looking for is couple."

Peter huffs and throws himself on his bed. "Hey, Pads, I think Prongs wants to shag your brother."

Sirius frowns at him.

"Pete!" James hisses. "Sirius, it's not about that – it's not about shagging, I swear."

"You have something going on with my brother. That is what you're trying to say?"

"I – yes. Reggie and I are... together. And I don't want to keep it secret from you anymore and I... well, I'd like to have your blessing."

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