See You on the Pitch, Captain

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Summary: 6 times Regulus surprised James and once he reacted exactly how James thought he would


1. Quidditch

James has always loved Quidditch. His happiest childhood memory? Easy. Quidditch World cup when he was five years old. His parents took him to watch the game. His favourite team won. He still gets excited when he thinks about it.

He is in love with the game. He has practised for the chaser position ever since he was old enough to sit on a broom. Needless to say, it became his singular goal to be a chaser for his house team at Hogwarts and eventually team captain.

He made the team in his second year and – truth be told – he wasn't the best player in the team. How could he? It was only his second year, he was 12 years old. He got better and better over the school year, learning how to work with the team, learning how to play to his strengths.

He is now in his third year. The last quidditch season of the school year begins today with their match against Slytherin. Over the entire year, Gryffindor hasn't lost one game.

This match is a special one, though. It is the first match with Slytherin's new Seeker – Regulus Black.

Regulus, 12 years old, at the cusp of 13, with the face of an angel and the physique of a Victorian child nearing death, looks ridiculous next to their 7th-year Seeker, Queenie. He is James' best mate's younger brother, though. So, James wants to be nice to him.

"Don't worry, Regulus, we won't go too hard on you," he says with a smirk when the teams stand opposite each other on the pitch. "Only accidental Bludgers for you. We won't embarrass you too much."

The rest of his team chuckles with him. James winks at the boy. Regulus blushes slightly and looks unsurely from one Gryffindor player to the next, looking scared.

They get on their brooms and lift off. The game starts. James immediately puts his game brain on. Nothing else matters then. He has the crowds, the comments and even the Seekers completely tuned out. He only cares for his fellow chasers and is always vaguely aware of the location of the opponents and the Bludgers.

He scores and scores again, showering in cheers from the Gryffindor stands. He high-fives Marlene, the other chaser, before getting back into the game.

He catches a glimpse of Regulus then. He is soaring through the sky now, looking quite sure of himself on the broom. James looks to Queenie, who seems to watch Regulus surprised and then follows him.

It doesn't take long then. James tells his team to hurry – but they don't get one more point before the game ends. Regulus caught the snitch. Slytherin wins the match.

James halts on his broom, staring up at Regulus who is holding the snitch up in his hand, a smile playing lazily on his face. Queenie is staring at the boy surprised.

"Merlin's pants," James hears Marlene yelling, "How did he get that thing so fast? That was the quickest bloody match we ever played!"

"Worse, it's the first we lost in one and a half years!" Queenie complains as they get to the ground.

Regulus is sitting on his broom, lazily balancing himself, leaning forward and throwing the snitch into the air, catching it again. All shyness and self-consciousness have fallen from him. Looking at him, one might think this boy isn't capable of blushing or self-doubt – and he sure as hell, isn't scared of them.

"Hey, Potter," he calls, still throwing and catching the snitch, "Hope I didn't embarrass you too much."

The rest of his team erupts in gleeful laughter, high-fiving each other and congratulating Regulus on his win. This time, James is the one who blushes.

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