Fighting Drama with Drama (fluff)

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James takes care of everyone, but who takes care of James?
Regulus and James are secretly dating for a few months now.
James is always there for people, always helping - he simply cannot say no, no matter how bad he is feeling.
James has had a bad day and Regulus is determined to make him feel better and relaxed.


Regulus was sitting in the library. He occupied a desk in the back, shielded from view for the most part.

He was working on an essay for Astronomy. He rather liked Astronomy. - Well, he was good at it, and he liked things he was good at. They made him feel accomplished and adequate, Regulus liked that.

Another thing Regulus liked because it made him feel good, was James Potter.

James has been his brother's best friend for ages. They were basically attached by the hip.

Recently Sirius was attached to a very different hip in a very different way, which led to James having a bit more time on his hands.

James having time on his hands was, generally speaking, not a good thing. The craziest and dumbest things happened around the castle when James Potter got bored.

It happened last summer. The summer between Regulus' 5th and 6th year.

Sirius had basically kidnapped him from home before this. Thus, Regulus had spent the summer at the Potter house - Sirius, however, had not. Sirius had spent half of his summer in Wales with his boyfriend.

Regulus and James had been alone - short of James' parents.

Things just.... spiralled out of control.

There had been a lot of stargazing and late-night talking. A lot of sharing (and over-sharing by Regulus' standards). They had read together in silence, sitting on opposite ends of the couch, feet touching. Regulus had read poetry aloud for James. They had played chess and Muggle games Regulus had never heard of. James had shown him Music he had not been allowed to listen to.

Mostly, James had just been there. He just existed and it was good. With his mess of hair, his dark skin, his silly glasses, his strong arms, his fit body, and his surprising intellect.

Regulus reluctantly had allowed himself to look. Just look. Just acknowledge that he was handsome and a good person and funny, although he would be caught dead before admitting to anyone, he found his pranks funny.

But what he had seen when he looked and looked and stared, was a smile.

James Potter's smile had the power to disarm even the greatest wizard, Regulus had decided.

Seeing it made him feel warm all over. It made his skin prickle and his knees weak, and it did truly scary things to his heart.

The world was a better place as long as that smile existed.

It had happened over the course of 2 weeks, but it still had felt very sudden.

One day, James was simply his brother's friend, and one morning Regulus woke up, went downstairs, and saw James at the kitchen table smiling at him, and all of a sudden James was the most precious thing in the world, and Regulus would rather drown that let him be unhappy one day of his life.

Oh, how he wanted to resent the man for this.

But he couldn't.

Because then James had kissed him under the stars one night and Regulus realised this was the best thing that would ever happen to him, and he had to hold on to it.

The Sun & The Stars - Jegulus OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now