Confessing to a Lunatic (fluff)

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AN i don't care this is my fav one shot I have written about this couple

Summary: For Sirius, a friend dating a little sibling is the highest form of betrayal.
For Regulus, being hidden away is painfully exhausting.
For James, Regulus is the love of his life and Sirius is quite mad.
For Remus, the Blacks are simply lunatics.

Or, another James tells Sirius he is dating Regulus fic because they are funny.


James was lying on his bed in the dorm room. He was reading "Quidditch through the ages" - not because he felt a particular need to read it yet again, but because he had lent it to someone until recently. The person had just given it back and James was studying the notes he left on the pages. He had very nice handwriting.

James was staring at a particularly beautiful J when the door to the dorm opened and his friends poured into the room.

"I can't believe it, what kind of friend does that?" Sirius complained, "Dating their best friends little sibling, what an arse!"

James almost dropped the book.

Sirius flung himself next to James on his bed, "The betrayal!"

Remus caught his gaze, "Arthur Weasley is dating Molly Prewett," he provided.

James dared to breathe again.

"Yes! His mates' little sister! Unbelievable! I'd be livid if I was them!"

Remus, who was generally evil, asked with a smirk "If someone dated Regulus, you mean?"

"Little siblings shouldn't date," Sirius said frowning, "He's always gonna be a child in my eyes."

"He's 16, though," James said, whose hobbies included digging his own grave, "He's anything but a child."
The glare Sirius gave him almost transported him to that grave.
"Just saying, he's bound to date at some point."

Sirius sighed deeply, "I guess... but as his big brother I have a responsibility- any girl that wants to date him, has to go through me first."

"Through you?", Remus asked, "In what way?"

Sirius made a kissing face in his direction, "Not in that. In fact, any girl who ever shagged me is off the table."

"I will make sure to notify her," Peter smirked.

"She has to fulfil certain criteria, is what I mean. Regulus only deserves the very best!"

"And that means no friends of yours?" Remus said while looking at James.

"Merlin's balls no! We're all assholes! In fact, his girlfriend shouldn't even like me."

"Not like you?" James asked, "Why?"

"Because Regulus thinks I'm stupid and silly and annoying. Any girl who doesn't agree with him obviously doesn't value the same qualities in people and life. They could never be happy with each other."

James, who found Sirius exceptionally stupid, silly and annoying right now, nodded, "So his partner can't have a sense of humour and must hate you?"

"A sense of humour, sure, she has to have a good sense of humour to keep up with him. He's a sarcastic little devil, he can't be with someone who is butthurt every time he gives her The Look."

"What look?" James asked.

"You know, the 'I hate you so much right now, you're going on my nerves, go jump off the Astronomy tower' Look. This one," He imitated the look.

James and Sirius were very well acquainted with The Look. James personally absolutely loved it.

"She of course has to be pretty," Sirius said, "because he only deserves the best. But she also has to be super smart like him. She should be a Ravenclaw - they're smart, or a Hufflepuff - very loyal! She has to be loyal to him and love him dearly."

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