Regulus Black's Favourite Gryffindor [fluff]

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Another Animagus Reggie bc I love him <3

Summary:  Regulus became an Animagus because he wouldn't let Sirius and his friends become the youngest wizards to have ever accomplished that.
Being a cute, black cat he gets into every common room - scratching everyone who tries to touch him, except for a certain James Potter. He also so happens to be able to A) annoy his brother who is allergic to cats and B) overhear interesting conversations.


Regulus figured out his brother became an Animagus rather quickly. He figured it out before the process was even complete.

Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, and Sirius Black shutting up for a whole month?

Miracles such as this do not exist.

All he had to do was use Miss Pince's adoration of him to figure out what kind of books the three menaces took from the library. (She really doesn't adore anything that isn't a book, but Regulus always makes an effort to maintain her system and even puts books that were put in the wrong place into the correct one. Yes, Miss Pince loves him)

The three boys were incredibly young to become animagi, they managed it at the end of the fifth year, so they were between fifteen and sixteen. Regulus thinks they would have been the youngest to have ever accomplished this.

They would have been – if Regulus Black wasn't an ambitious and petty little shit who would not be bested by his brother in anything.

Regulus Black became an Animagus soon after the Marauders, being almost half a year younger than their youngest (James) he was still younger than them when he accomplished it.

He is still waiting for the right moment to reveal this little triumph.

He is now sixteen, at the end of his fifth year, while the boys are in their sixth year.

In the meantime, he used his new skill to venture through the castle unseen. He knows Sirius is a dog because of course he is. He doesn't know about the other two blokes – and he has his theories about why Lupin didn't become an Animagus – but while cats are allowed to have as pets at Hogwarts, dogs aren't. So as a rather small, black cat, Regulus can move through the castle without anyone raising an eyebrow at him.

He is very familiar with the other common rooms now. He likes the Ravenclaw common room best, but maybe just because Pandora is there. Pandora is the only one he lets hold him voluntarily. She has given him a tiny blue collar with a dangling silver star on it. Regulus wears it dutifully in his cat form. If he's honest, he thinks he looks adorable in it.

He sometimes also ventures into the Gryffindor common room to visit his brother. Now, the Gryffindors are horrible. They all find him cute and try to pick him up or pet him at any given moment. He has bitten and clawed at each of them multiple times.

Today, he goes to visit Sirius again. Supper is already over, and he spots Sirius and his friends on the sofas around the fireplace. He immediately walks over to them to annoy him.

Sirius doesn't like cats.

Sirius fucking hates cats and he is allergic to them.

This little circumstance makes Regulus love his Animagus form even more. Every time he jumps on the sofa, Sirius jumps up from it like he's about to claw his eyes out – which is a fair assumption, ask Lily.

"Get that thing away from me," Sirius cries out and jumps into Remus' lap on a separate armchair.

Regulus is sitting in Sirius' former place now just looking at him.

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