The Hot Post Office Guy [WolfStar Fluff]

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This is a Wolfstar Fic mainly, tho Jegulus is in it too

Context:  I'm currently selling a lot of my old clothes on Vinted bc of that I have to bring a lot of parcels to the DHL pick up station down the street which inspired this One Shot. The guy working there isn't that cute and he def did not inspire this one shot. But I wouldn't mind if he flirted with me a little and I thought it would be a cute start of a romance for Sirius and Remus - so here we are. (I considered doing this James and Reg first bc you know I'm usually writing them, but I thought this fit the Wolfstar vibes more.)

Also, I'm rewatching 2 broke girls right now, you may see how this is relevant. I'm finally at the Randy-Max parts, you may also see how this is relevant (James = Randy body but younger)


Summary: Sirius sells his old clothes and drops off the parcels at the nearby pick-up station. He may even go there more often than necessary because of a certain man working there.

Trans Reggie. Genderqueer Sirius


It all started when Regulus moved in. Sirius always knew that his little sibling was a killjoy and far too reasonable and logical for his own good.

Sirius knew living with him would be a nightmare, but he was his little brother after all, and he had nowhere else to go. So, Sirius gave up his atelier (way too begrudgingly, as Regulus tends to point out at least once a month) and turned it into a bedroom for his brother.

They fight a lot, as siblings do. Especially those who grew up in an abusive family, with one of them rebelling and the other trying to please, which eventually drove them apart and ended in them not speaking for a few years. They are good now, but their fights can be vicious.

When Sirius is in a bad mood, like after a fight, he tends to spend money on himself to cheer himself up. He also does it when he is happy, when he completes a task he didn't want to do, and when he is bored. He inherited money from his uncle a few years ago and never intended to use it cleverly- much to Regulus' dismay. (Though Regulus shouldn't complain too much, considering that Sirius used that money to pay for Regulus' top surgery.)

Sirius likes to go shopping. He likes putting on pretty things and getting his nails done.

One afternoon, his nails in black with fine silver lines on them like spun sugar, he came home with a few paper bags of clothing.

Regulus skipped the usual scolding concerning irresponsible spending and said, „Where do you even put all of this stuff? Your wardrobe must be bursting at this point."

He was right. Sirius' wardrobe was bursting. He didn't even wear most of the stuff anymore.

„I could donate it," Sirius shrugged. „Or give them to friends. Do you want some of this?"

„I try to dress more masculine, not less," He said and picked up a hot-pink jumper. (Sirius wouldn't have given him that one anyway; he needs it for Mean Girls Night with the girls.) „You can sell it. There are pieces in here I've never seen you wear. You can sell them and use the money to put more glitter on you until you resemble a stage in a drag club."

So, Sirius downloaded an app and cleaned out his closet, with Regulus' don't-get-emotionally-attached-to-clothes attitude helping him quite a bit.

This is when the Hot Post Office Guy stepped into his life.

Sirius has seen him a few times before. He works at a small shop down the street that also stores and sends parcels. Sirius had to pick up some things from there whenever the mailmen were too lazy to carry his stuff up the stairs, but that always put him in a bad mood, so he barely paid attention to the workers.

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