Quidditch Jumpers [fluff]

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FIRST OF ALL : hey lovelies, I have a pretty big 300 000 + word fic on ao3 that I will now post on wattpad as well - keep an eye out for me later today. it's called "Mastermind" and it's quite Angsty but also cute and funny - lots of Jegulus, Rosekiller and Wolfstra <3<3



It is tradition for the players to give their Quidditch jumpers to their romantic partners (or those they want to be their romantic partners.)
James loves and lives Quidditch - the problem is that Gryffindor keeps losing! He needs a good luck charm: His boyfriend finally wearing his jumper, for example.


It is needless to mention that Quidditch is a big thing at Hogwarts. Always has been, always will be. Even the students who don't care for the sport in particular still attend the games to support their house teams.

Long-standing House rivalries that may be half-forgotten in the day-to-day make a spectacular comeback during Quidditch season, especially in the weeks leading up to the matches for the Quidditch House Cup.

James is a chaser for Gryffindor since his third year. Now, in his last year, he is even the Captain of their team. They only have one problem: Their Seeker left last year and their new one is... less than spectacular. He's not bad just... they lost almost all games this season. It's almost like they're cursed. James and the other chasers keep fumbling and losing the Quaffle, and the other teams evade almost all of their bludgers.

The Slytherin team on the other hand is at their fucking best. They have Regulus Black as their seeker – they have been unbeatable since Regulus' second year. That scrawny 12-year-old with his huge grey eyes and bowl-cut bangs only needed a humiliating 14 minutes to humble an entire school and devastate the Gryffindors in particular.

James has accepted long ago that they won't beat Slytherin for as long as he's at Hogwarts. But losing all the other matches really fucks him up.

For the first two years, James despised Regulus for his talent and for winning every fucking game so quickly that the others don't even have a fighting chance. Sometimes he makes a game of it. He sits still and watches the match for a while, giving the other team hope – then he swoops in and ends the match before there is ever a threat of losing.

Then this disdain slowly turned into admiration – maybe it has always been that and James just couldn't place it. As a fact, Regulus is crazy talented in everything short of socialising. James, who is attracted first to competence and second to intelligent meanies, fell for his rival even before he came back for his fifth year with a new haircut after a growth spurt, and looked absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful.

"Wowza" was the only, corny, embarrassing thing James got past his lips when he saw Regulus like that on the Hogwarts Express. Sirius hit the back of his head for that comment and Regulus simply rolled his eyes at him.

It took months of extensive courting and flirting from James' side until Regulus took pity on him and agreed to a date. In the end, he won him over with his humour and their shared love for quidditch – and with his senseless adoration and willingness to shower Regulus with affection and little gifts.

The best moment of James' life so far? Regulus saying, "You should kiss me right now." When James snuck him into the restricted section of the school's library at midnight. James had been so caught off guard, he froze. So, Regulus laughed quietly and kissed James instead. James died and came back to life all at once with that kiss. It meant instant addiction for him. And because the universe is good and James is lucky, Regulus agreed to be his little drug and gives himself to him willingly as often as he can.

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