Projection of the Stars - A stunning Sequel by J. Potter (angst)

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Notes: Wolfstar? Wolfstar!

Summary:  After a fateful party in Gryffindor Tower, everyone knows two things: Regulus Black and James Potter are in Love, and Sirius and Remus are doing it on the regular.
Another general piece of knowledge most people have is the rigid binary opposition between Sirius and his brother Regulus: Sirius is the good one, Regulus is the bad one.
Beyond the general Hogwarts gossip, lies Sirius Black: insecure about his family, his brother, and, most of all, himself and his feelings.
He and Remus have something going on, yes, for a long, long while now. Does Sirius know what it is - no.
When Regulus and James started dating he had all kinds of horrible things to say - horrible things that possibly revealed way more about how he feels about himself than about Regulus.


I told Pandora about my conversations with Sirius after Regulus and I got together. Actually, I told Regulus - Pandora happened to be in the same room. Sometimes I am so preoccupied with looking at Regulus - and counting my blessings in his little freckles - I completely forget she is even there!

Anyways, Sirius has said some truly horrible things about Regulus. They've made me so mad at the time, I barely could see through the words - see him. It was my conversation with him when I moved back into the dorm, that it made click.

The thing with Sirius Black is, for as long as I've known him - which is a stunning seven years now - well almost - he always loved to sell himself as this larger-than-life person.

He is Sirius - the brightest of all stars - he is such a rebel for being sorted into Gryffindor - he is so far above his family for being sorted into Gryffindor! He doesn't give a fuck about what his family is thinking - no, he does not need anyone's approval to be this amazing, charming and smart young wizard he is. He never wears his uniform correctly because rules don't apply to him - they were made for mortals - he is better than this.

It is a miracle he is actually popular and not hated by the majority of the student body - but that is the thing: He is incredibly charming and good-looking and handsome. He is fun to be around and fun to listen to. Everyone loves the bad boy with the leather jacket who got away from his fanatic blood-purist family.

The people don't know him.

Not the way I do. Not the way Moony and Wormtail do.

We've seen him cry over letters from his mother. We've heard him scream in his nightmares. We've seen him fight through tears, insisting he doesn't need their love and appreciation while it was so obvious, how much he longed for it. - So, we made it our goal to give him all that. We became his family, his friends. We love him unconditionally. We always will.

The problem with Sirius' attitude is, his walls are built so high and so thick, he sometimes can't see beyond them. He sometimes doesn't see other people in his path. He needs to prove how great he is, and when he runs over someone in the process, he rarely looks back.

Sirius is my best friend and I have to admit it took me longer than it should have to realise all that. To see his flaws.

You just don't want to do that - you know? - seeing the flaws of someone you love so dearly.

As we got older, I realised that everyone has flaws and you need to learn to see them. You can still love the people - you have to! - but you can also help them get through their shortcomings.

Blind idolatry is poison for the mind.

I see Regulus' flaws - he is too proud, sometimes. He cannot admit to his mistakes - no, he always has to be right. And he is not good at dealing with his feelings - not the love he has for me, not the anger he has for Sirius, not the mess he feels for his parents.

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