The Call [SMUT]

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Summary: Regulus and James are alone for a month while Sirius visits Remus and his dad in Wales. Sirius asks James to take good care of Regulus and answer to his every wish in his absence - and James does. Turns out, Regulus is a little crazy and fancies James.<br />
One day, James is on the phone with Sirius, when Regulus comes into the room with nothing but a short bathrobe and an idea in his head.

(Post Hogwarts. Kind of a muggle au &amp; modern au but not really, magic wouldn't appear either way, the only difference is that they have mobile phones)


We all make mistakes.

It's the summer after Regulus' graduation. He just came back from Hogwarts with little plans but all the more freedom for the future.

A while after the graduation, Sirius left the Potter house to visit his boyfriend for a month. They will move in together soon. With James' parents gone on vacation, too, Sirius left Regulus and James alone in the house.

That was Sirius' first mistake.

"Take good care of my brother. Never leave him out of your sight. Answer to his every whim, I want him to be happy," – that was Sirius' second mistake.

Sirius loves his little brother, but he has many misconceptions about him – for example that he is a fragile and innocent virgin bookworm who would spend the entire month reading and visiting art galleries, absolutely overwhelmed at the mere thought of sex. That was Sirius' third mistake.

James didn't leave Regulus out of his sight, not one minute.
Regulus is absolutely beautiful. He is lovely and funny and smart. For Sirius' entire absence, Regulus was mean and pretty and looked at him out of stormy grey eyes and let his hands brush against him just often and long enough for James to question whether it was accidental.

It took about two weeks until James finally gathered all his courage and asked Regulus whether he can kiss him. Regulus had stared at him and then laughed and then called him stupid and then – then he kissed him. – And from then onwards, James really answered his every whim and took very good care of him.

And some might consider that James' first mistake.

If Sirius ever found out he interpreted his request like this, he would kill him. James has no plan for the future. He doesn't know what to do once Sirius comes back. He doesn't know whether he will tell him – and especially how he is supposed to tell him. But ultimately, Regulus is so distracting he doesn't even think about it. And that is James' second mistake.

Now Regulus, James is convinced, never makes mistakes. Regulus is fucking perfect, in his looks, in the way he speaks, in the way his mind works (minus all the trauma his mother has given him)

James and Sirius text every day and call each other at least once a week.

Regulus disappeared in the shower when James said he would call Sirius. Regulus hates talking with people on the phone, especially his dramatic brother. He texts him occasionally, he thinks it should be enough. So, he usually stays far away when James calls Sirius to not even chance getting roped into taking the call.

"So, how's Wales?" James asks.

"Welsh," Sirius says with a sigh, "I'm tired of it. I mean, at first it was super romantic, the cottage, the country, the nature – just Moony and I. But his dad starts getting on my nerves and there is nothing to do here."

"Don't tell me you got tired of doing nothing but shagging your boyfriend for a month."

"I will never get tired of Moony. Never. He is the love of my life and the sexiest man in existence," Sirius insists.

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