Dresses, Daggers and Gilded Cups [fluff]

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Summary: After Walburga's death, Sirius, Regulus, James and Remus go to 12 Grimmauld Place to sort through their inheritance.
When Sirius finds a bunch of old dresses, he gets into a small quarrel with James, and plans for the future are revealed.

With a premise as this, there could be a lot of meaningful conversations between Sirius and Regulus in this, discussing pain and childhood trauma - that is NOT what it is.
I had a silly idea about the group sorting through shit in Grimmauld Place and James and Sirius fighting over dresses while Regulus questions his taste in men. It is silly and funny and we have a somewhat meaningful conversation between James and Reggie while Sirius literally just wants to put on a dress and shag his boyfriend.

Oh, and Mary is a realtor. *shrug*


It’s been years since anyone has entered or left 12 Grimmauld Place.

At 16, Sirius left his home and moved in with his best friend James Potter. His brother left four years later after he finished school. He stayed in touch, but only to not be disowned. Shortly after that, their father died. Walburga was never seen outside of that house again. Her nieces would occasionally visit for the holidays, Regulus would make courtesy visits every once in a while until they all gave it up.

Now, several years later, it has been reported that Walburga finally followed her husband to the grave. With Sirius disowned, Regulus is the sole heir: The money, the house, and even the old house elf.

Neither Regulus nor Sirius has any interest in living in the house they had both suffered in. Two weeks after Walburga’s death, however, they decide to visit the house and start sorting through their inheritance (Regulus’ inheritance, but he won’t keep any items away from Sirius if he wants them). They plan to take things they can sell or things they actually want to keep - Regulus always wanted to get those damn fancy crystal glasses that just aren’t fucking produced anymore.

Their respective boyfriends come with them to the house.

“You know what?” James says standing in the kitchen, “This would be a nice house with a little colour.”

Regulus, grabbing glasses and expensive dishes, turns to him, “Sure, let’s turn this place into pastel heaven. You can paint the kitchen neon green for all I care, just make sure Mary can sell it.”

“Well not neon… but mint?”

Regulus looks at him for a long time. “Sometimes I question my taste in men. Go over there and get me the silverware.”

“Do you just want to take the entire kitchen? Would be easier.”

“No, just the essentials.”

James looks at the empty cupboards and the collection of plates, bowls, cups and tea sets on the ground. Even if they threw three dinner parties back-to-back for all their friends, they wouldn’t be able to use all of these.

“And what are the unessential’s?”

Regulus holds up pepper and salt shakers. “I don’t think we’ll need this… though they are prettier than the ones we have… they’ll go on the maybe pile.”

Sirius comes strolling into the kitchen. “Hey, I made the fatal mistake of showing Moony the library. I don’t expect to see him again for the next three days. What are you doing?”

“Regulus gets us enough dishes to throw a royal banquet. Love, we don’t have space.”

“Then buy me a bigger kitchen,” Regulus shrugs and puts the salt and pepper shakers on the yes pile. (There is no maybe pile)

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