French Exchange (fluff) [part2/2]

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AN: This is much shorter. Enjoy


After James' graduation, he, Sirius and Remus got a flat together. Sirius wanted to hold on to the old plan of getting a flat with James, but he naturally also wanted to move in with his boyfriend.

"When Regulus comes back eventually and wants to move in with James, we can look for our own place," Remus had said then, "Then all promises and youth packs will be honoured."

Peter for his part was glad to finally live in a space he didn't have to leave all the time so someone else could shag there. He did not move far away though and still, spent most of his evenings at his friends' place.

James Potter had every intention of becoming an Auror – very much to Sirius' discontent who was simply too punk for a job in law enforcement. The last year he had put his plans on hold though, he shadowed an Auror for a few months and apart from that joined a Quidditch team, thinking if the opportunity ever arose, he wouldn't mind spending his life with this.

Remus had apprenticed under a few people each for about three months. He was thinking of becoming something "very boring and uneventful. A historian or a professor. A writer or translator maybe, then I could work on my own time."

Sirius still wasn't sure if he wanted to do something adventurous like a curse-breaker or follow a new interest in wand-making. He could also try to get into the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts and do something creative – he would love that.

Peter was writing articles for a small magazine, he was good, and they all hoped he would be able to write for the Daily Prophet one day.

For as often as he could, James went to France. He met Regulus in a small village near the Beauxbatons school on the weekends. He seemed to be even prettier every time he got to see him after a long time.

When Regulus was in the country for Christmas, he snuck out of Grimmauld Place and surprised James, Sirius and Remus at the Potter house, where they had gathered over the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve.

James' parents (who had had to listen to James going on and on about how perfect his boyfriend was for months) were absolutely enthralled by Regulus.
"He's a keeper," Fleamont had said to James when Regulus had had to leave.
"I love you, but he is almost too good for you," Euphemia had joked while Regulus had sat next to James at the dinner table and spoken of his plans for the future.

James and Sirius had planned to go to Regulus' graduation in France, but Regulus had sent them letters telling them not to come. He would contact them soon.

Shortly after the graduation had taken place, James, Sirius and Remus were all sitting around the breakfast table. Remus opened his newspaper and almost dropped his cup of coffee.

"Oh my god," Remus exclaimed.

"What?" Sirius leaned over to get a look at the paper. Remus started reading the article out loud:

"Orion Black, senior male-descendant of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, one of the sacred 28 families, passed away two days ago, according to his wife, Walburga Black. According to sources within the family he had been in a critical state for a long time before succumbing to an as of yet unknown illness in his London home. Their son Regulus Arcturus Black is now set to inherit. An official ceremony will take place on Sunday in the family's London estate. Years ago, their oldest son Sirius Black III – well, then they're just saying why he inherits and not you."

The three sat about in stunned silence.

"My father is dead," Sirius said tonelessly.

"I'm... sorry?" Remus offered, "Are you sad about this or happy?"
"I don't know," Sirius admitted, he stood up, "If you don't mind, I would like to be alone for a while."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," he said and went to their bedroom.

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