The Purple Bedroom [fluff]

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After the first wizarding war, life went on. Sometimes, it feels a little stuck. Sometimes the simplicity and routines of it are comforting.
James loves his life. He loves his home and his boyfriend. He loves his work.
But a co-worker insists that he should "live more." - with the effect of James finally thinking more (possibly too much) about his life, relationship and future.


James loves his work. It is nothing big, nothing fancy. People always thought he was supposed to do something great, something meaningful. They thought he would become an auror or a healer, maybe a professional Quidditch player.

Instead, he became a wand maker.

He likes the craft. He likes the calmness and the rhythm. He likes that it has to do with magic but not wars, dark wizards or politics. He likes that there is no risk, no death, and yet, it brings him joy. He can lose himself for hours in books and articles about different woods, cores and techniques around the globe. He never loses the fascination in his voice when he talks about it.

He works in a wand shop, and many customers think he is just a salesperson or an assistant. He would like to have his own shop one day when he is more established and better in his craft. People always assume the great, promising James Potter would have his own shop. They also expect him not to take such boring work seriously. They expect him to be the prank-loving teenager who needs to make a joke out of everything. "Why wandmaking? Why not a prank shop?" they'd say.

He likes his job because it gives him time to spend afterwards. The hours are reliable, and he can work and research from home a few days a week if he so wishes. It gives him time to coach Quidditch teams and give flying lessons (children aged 6 – 11 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, adults on Wednesdays and Thursdays. During the summer holidays, he offers lessons to Hogwarts students). He has the weekends to meet his friends, and the evenings belong to his partner.

He likes the balance. He likes the certainty of it. War is over. The world is at peace. He is at peace.

On this chilly March morning, James wakes up to the unmistakable sounds of his hastened boyfriend. He rolls to the side and opens his eyes just wide enough to catch a glimpse of the dark-haired man putting on his jewellery and checking himself in the mirror. He glances at the clock. He is right on schedule, but he always hastens in the morning like he was five minutes late just by living by the same clock as the rest of the world.

He rushes out of the room. A cup is placed into the sink, and the water is turned on. Steps out of the kitchen to the hallway. Shoes on. The water is shut off. Jacket. The other jacket. He is always cold in the morning. Steps to the study. He tip-toes when he wears his shoes so he doesn't wake James. He gets his bag from the study. Back to the hallway. He stops. He turns, counting in his head all the things he has to do and take with him. James smiles to himself just before he hears the steps come to the bedroom. The bed dips. Lips brush his cheek.

"I'm leaving now," he whispers. "Have a nice day. And please be home in time. I want to try cooking something nice for dinner."

James smirks. "With spices this time?" He turns his head to catch his lips with his.

"The chilli flakes and the paprika powder."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." A last kiss – then another and another, before they can finally tear themselves away from each other. Keys to the pocket. Unlock the door. Another, "Love you!" and then the door closes. He hates using the floo and put an anti-apparition charm on the entire house. He has never truly stopped being paranoid after the war. It doesn't matter. James loves him.

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