Challenge Accepted [fluff]

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Summary: Sirius invites regulus and his freinds to Grffindor tower and gives them Veritaserum. When he asks his brother what he thinks of James, a new Nightmare is unlocked.
Or as Remus puts it: Sirius "fucked around and found out"

Regulus should have known it was a stupid idea to agree when Sirius invited him and his friends to Gryffindor Tower.

"I want us to be closer again," Sirius said, "I want you to run away from home, too, and come live with me. I've got my own place thanks to the money from uncle Alphard. You can live there."

And Regulus wants to believe it. He wants to be closer to his brother, too. He wants his help without having to ask for it. He would never ask for it. He never asks for help.

That is why a person who offers his help without making him ask is his absolute weak spot.

After Sirius ran away, James started showing up. He showed up at the library, after his quidditch training, after the matches, at Hogsmeade - everywhere. He was just there, offering his help in small conversations and silly jokes.

Regulus is fucking weak for the silly boy with his stupid glasses and dumb pranks and pathetic hoodies and ugly red shoes. Weak.

Now, Sirius offered his help and all he wants in return is an evening at Gryffindor Tower - where James is. Two weak spots in one request. Regulus agreed.

Regulus takes Evan and Barty with him to the Tower. Sirius is waiting for him outside and leads him upstairs to the dorm where his other friends are already waiting.

They got a whole collection of Hogsmeade sweets and illegal alcohol. Evan and Barty are immediately on board.

It doesn't take long for Sirius to push a cup into his hand with a wink. "Drink, little brother."

He does the same with Evan and Barty.

"Well," Sirius exclaims after a few minutes and claps his hands, "I need to make a confession boys." He turns down the music. "You see, I did not only invite you here to get to know you better - I mean I did, but in a specific way."

"Sirius," James says sharply, "You didn't. You promised me you wouldn't!"

Regulus looks at James. He looks stupidly handsome today. His hair is a mess and Regulus wants to spend all day counting the number of times he runs his hands through it.

"I did, Prongs. It's necessary. Am I just suppsoed to trust his word?"


Sirius huffs. "Trust is for the kids from stable families. Boys, I gave you Veritaserum."

The Slyhterin Boys look at each other. Then, Barty laughs. "Yeah, I knew you fucking sucked. I told you he's full of shit, Reg. We're out of here."

Barty is already up, dragging Evan with him.

Remus uses a spell to lock the door and then puts himself between the boys and the door. He looks tired. "Just indulge him. It won't be so bad."

"Drugging us isn't bad? If I were you I'd be mad wary of your pumpkin juice from now on."

"Just a few harmless questions," Sirius says with a smirk and balances himself on the footboard of his bed. "Like, Barty, what's your biggest darkest secret?"

Barty bites down on his lip, hard.

"Sirius!" James barks, "Are you mad?"

"Hey, it's for mine and our safety, mate. Okay, I go mild, fucking pissbaby. Barty, did you ever kill someone?"

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