Secret Codes of Love - an Account by Pandora L. (angst, fluff)

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So, I wanted to try something different, narration-wise.
I kind of tried to write this like Pandora telling this story to you, or giving an account of it. Because I actually like that in like 19th-century Ghost Stories so I thought I try applying it myself.
Also, I think it's an interesting concept to have a story told not by the two protagonists but by the side character. I would like to do it more often, the problem with the concept for a larger work is, that the side character can hardly be present at ALL the important and intimate moments. But for this little story, I think it worked well.

Anyways, let me know what you think of this narration style in the comments :)



Regulus Black cooks up potions for other students - for the right money, of course. His friends help him keep his secrets, keep track of his transactions and keep him safe.
After Marlene McKinnon orders some Veritaserum, Regulus and his friends are invited to a Party in Gryffindor Tower.
By the end of that party, McKinnon invites everyone to play a variation of Truth or Dare - Regulus is smart enough not to participate.
Unfortunately, James Potter is not that smart.


Regulus Black never thought his creation would be his own undoing.

Regulus Black is very talented in Potions. While he is all around a good student, he excelled like no other in three distinct categories: Potions, playing Seeker, and keeping things secret.

Now, the fact that he was close to being a Quidditch prodigy, and has never lost a game since he joined the team, is unrelated to the following account.

Regulus Black, although he is only in his sixth year, could brew about any potion you could ask of him.

Additionally, he is a very charming young man, and our Potions Master, Professor Slughorn, is a little naïve. Professor Slughorn dotes on Regulus. He is his most valuable trophy in his Slug-Club. So, whenever Regulus asks him about an advanced potion or even – quite boldly if you ask me – asks him for certain supplies, Slughorn never really questions him.

He even sometimes makes potions with him together, blissfully ignorant to Regulus bottling some of it and taking it with him instead of discarding it completely.

Since the middle of his fourth year, Regulus brews potions for other people. At first, only his friends: A vomit-inducing potion to get Barty out of a test, a bottle of Dreamless Sleep for Evan's insomnia. A regerminating potion for when my plant friends died. Before exams Regulus was cooking up bottles of wit-sharpening potions – that was when some more students caught on to what was going on.

For a brief period, Regulus did not brew anything, to avoid being caught, but as it turned out, no one had planned to tell on him. Instead, they offered him money to brew some things for them. Mind Sharpening potions, mainly, for the fifth years during their OWLs. Draught of Peace to relieve people of their anxiety. He even made his own little brews against period pains.

This quickly turned into a lucrative business for us.

On the other side of the castle, we have Regulus' brother Sirius and his friends. While Sirius and James are "too talented for their good, they just rely on it and find studying to be an insult to their person" (- Regulus) they are no good when it comes to potions. Even their studious friend Lupin isn't good at it, and neither is Pettigrew.

So, it came one day last year that Sirius came to Regulus with a request for a potion:

"Polyjuice Potion"
"What for?"
"I was told you never ask."
"It's you. If it's you, I ask."
"Okay, it's our big end-of-the-year prank."
"I thought as much."
"So, will you do it?"
"It takes a month. If you get caught and you breathe a word about me, it will be the last breath you've ever taken. Understood?"

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