Unhappiness Seems a Strange Concept with You [smut]

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Summary: James has a secret passion for photography. His boyfriend Regulus is his Muse. After one of their photoshoots, things are getting heated and James wants to capture this intimacy too.

Okay, so this is post-Hogwarts but in a kind of ... university setting? But with Magic? It's actually completely unimportant what kind of environment they're in. I just wanted to have the child-porn problem out of the way that's why they're not Hogwarts students anymore.



When people think about Regulus Black, they picture the scary, cold member of the House of Black. A sharp mind who quietly walks through the halls, incapable of smiling and only satisfied as long as he can stick his nose into a book or threaten someone.

They forget he has friends he is close to, who he would kill for. They even forget he was the star-seeker of their school, and still loves Quidditch more than anything. They never consider he may have one person in his life he smiles for, he is soft for, and whom he would do anything for.

Regulus has that person, and his name is James Potter.

Now, it is almost the same thing with James. People always know him as the cheery, laughing prankster. He is a jock, always running laps in the morning, playing the chaser position and winning most of his Quidditch games. When they were still at Hogwarts, he was also known for making a fool out of himself for Lily Evans, who categorically rejected his romantic advances for years.

They don't know his sensual side. They don't know his silence and his broody moods. They don't know his bad days. Regulus knows them.

They also don't know James' interests outside of pranking and sports. They never remember his intellect and that he is on top of his classes. They don't know his love for art. They definitely do not know his particular passion for photography. Regulus knows all of it.

"Open your eyes," James says softly.

Regulus is lying in a sort of nest of fluffy cotton and fairy lights. James has spread some of Mary's glittery highlighter on his cheekbone and eyelids. Somewhere, he found little stars the girls (who live across the hall) use for their eye makeup sometimes and insisted on putting them on Regulus' face today. He thinks he's so funny for that, and Regulus indulges him.

Regulus opens his eyes. James is towering above him with the camera. The room is dark apart from the fairy lights.

"Put your hand back above your head. Yes, like that," James smiles and takes another photo. "Wait, one of the stars is falling."

James leans over him. His breath ghosts over Regulus' face when James adjusts the tiny star by his eye. He kisses his cheek and looks at the little art project he turned his boyfriend into.

"Beautiful," he whispers and takes another picture. He moves around Regulus, catching every angle and every variation of the set he created. They've been at this for an hour with James softly rearranging Regulus' arms and angling his face. Regulus is getting tired, but he loves seeing James in his element, so he doesn't say anything. He doesn't need to. James always notices when his muse is getting unfocused and wants to stop.

"I think it's enough for today."

"Are you sure?" Regulus whispers.

"Yes. I think we got a few really great shots. You look fucking divine, like a god on a cloud." James leans down and kisses him softly.

He starts cleaning up the cotton from his bed. Regulus looks at the fairy lights and the canopy of the bed. With a flick of his wand, the lights drape themselves along the fabrics. He lies back down on James' pillow.

The Sun & The Stars - Jegulus OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now