Hold Me Tight or Don't

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Summary: James and Regulus are secretly together, but James is afraid of the reaction of his friends, especially his best friend Sirius, who doesn't approve of anyone dating his younger brother.
When James is dared to kiss someone else at a party, he does it to please his friends, devastating Regulus.
To make James choose between him and his friends, Regulus invites everyone to a party in the Slytherin common room, where he makes James watch him dance with Barty, until he boils with jealousy. Regulus gives James an ultimatum, and James must decide between pleasing his friends and fighting for Regulus' love.


It's not like James and Regulus didn't know what they were getting into. It's just that Regulus didn't think it would go on for so long, and James didn't think it would be that big of an issue.

Regulus moved in with the Potters after his fifth year. He came out to his brother – and basically the entire school – as gay. His family found a bride for him to marry, and Regulus would have rather died than got into a fake marriage. Sirius only commented that with all the shit that happened at that house, this was a very weird hill to die on. He took his brother in with open arms though and rather quickly shut down most of the homophobic comments Regulus received. Sirius is a Black and he can really make the crazy genes work for him if he wants to.

Over that summer, James got to know Regulus better. He always thought of him as somewhat cute, and he has always been impressed beyond belief when he watched Regulus play Quidditch – but spending more time with the boy awakened far deeper admiration for him than he was prepared for.

James, so far, hasn't been lucky in the love department. Anyone he liked or had a crush on didn't like him back – but then came Regulus.

It was playful flirting, little back-and-forth's for a few weeks. Long looks, accidental touches, half-naked Quidditch practice in the summer sun, warm nights under the stars – and then it was kissing, midnight whispers, and exploring touches, possessive kisses, and mind-blowing sex.

"What are we going to tell Sirius?" Regulus asked at some point. Sirius was visiting Remus at the time, and James and Regulus used the chance to shag in almost every room the house had to offer.

"Sirius?" James blinked. „I – He will – oh gods, do we have to?"

Regulus frowned at him. "I mean... what other option is there?"

James bit his lip. "We could just... keep it secret. Sirius will freak out – you're his little brother, I'm his best friend. He will kill me for touching you."

"You do a bit more than just touching me."

"Precisely. He finds out about that, and he'll kill me."

Regulus rolled his eyes. "You're dramatic. Why would he kill you? He wants me to be happy. I am happy."

James looked at him and smiled. "And I want to make you happy. But Sirius... I'm scared about what he will say."

"He knows you're bi."

"Yes, of course, everyone knows. This isn't about that. He could say we're not friends anymore. Or tell me I have to choose between you. He could be so fucking angry with me. He talks about you like a child – little precious baby brother. He gets mad whenever someone just suggests you having sex."

"I'm sixteen. He'll have to get used to it. ... I just came out to everyone, getting disowned and thrown out of my home in the process. I don't want to be hidden after all of that."

James sighed. "Reggie, please... I really like you. I want to keep doing this and see where it goes – but I can't risk my friendship to Sirius."

Regulus hummed and sat up, reaching for his clothes on the ground. "Well, then don't."

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