Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me (smut) [part1/3]

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Summary:  Walburga uses Legilimency on Regulus and learns of his secret romance with James Potter. Her punishment leaves him forever altered.

James thought Regulus was dead. Gone. Now he is with him again. Undead. But James doesn't care. Except when he does care because Regulus' new state of being is dangerously attractive to him.

(or Regulus Black is turned into a Vampire and James developed several new kinks)


Okay, I'm not saying James is always a good guy or perfect in this, I'm saying he is really, really horny. There are no real consent issues but he doesn't accept all of Regulus boundaries 100% right away when it comes to drinking and biting and all that. But he is rather careful and sweet when it comes to physical intimacy

Basically, I used this as a sort of writing - exercise on Lust and Passion, and I'm actually quite happy with it.


Number 13 Grimmauld Place, seven months ago

Regulus is back for the summer holidays. The house has always appeared darker to him since Sirius left. It is even quieter than it used to be. Sirius left in the winter holidays of his fifth year, more than two years ago, but Regulus would lie if he said he has got used to it by now.

Everything is more intense now – the silence, the assessing looks, the insults, the curses... his mother became more intense all around. She is always watching him, waiting for him to slip up, waiting for him to give her a reason. He knows this. He knows he needs to be careful.

But Regulus doesn't have control over his thoughts anymore. It used to be so much easier to conceal his wishes, to close his mind. It used to be easier before James.

Over the past school year, James has cracked him open, lured him out of his thoughts and shadows, and pulled him into the light. He brought him back to life, maybe he made him feel alive for the first time, even.

James, kind, handsome, caring James Potter saved his life. At least, he tried. It all seemed quite perfect: They were in love and made nonsense plans of Regulus running away and living with James. They kept talking and talking without reason about a future Regulus knew they couldn't have. But then Regulus had to go back home for the summer. He had no idea what Walburga might do if she found out about all of this – well, he had some ideas, but he didn't want to find out which she would choose. Most importantly, he didn't want James to find out about his mother's darkest capabilities. He didn't want her wrath to come down on James and his family for taking him in.

So, he is back home under his mother's watchful eye.

His mind wanders. It wanders to James' hands slowly tracing a scar on his ribs. James' eyes finding his again and again. He sees James' smile right in front of him, and he could swear he tasted his lips right then.

Regulus has given himself to this man in every way possible, and the memory is too intense to shove it away. He thinks about this at night, usually, not in the middle of the day sitting in the music room practising piano. But something about the song he just played, something about seeing his fingers on the keys, brought back a memory of James' hands on his, James' thigh pressed to his thigh on a chair too small for two, like the piano stool he is sitting on now.

The shirt he wears feels too restricting, the tie is choking him ever so slightly. James likes to have him in nothing but his Slytherin tie sometimes. He wants to be where James is. He needs those hands on him, he needs to be touched by him again, kissed wherever James could reach.

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