Switch With Me (fluff)

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Summary: Sirius and Regulus are twins. They use their looks and the fact that they are in different houses to trick teachers and friends.
One Tuesday, Sirius has a test coming up and needs regulus to take it for him.
Following problem: Their respective boyfriends have no idea the brothers switched. And one brother doesn't even know about the other's boyfriend.
What could go wrong?


Having twins is viewed as an extraordinary accomplishment in the wizarding community – they are believed to be stronger, better, and naturally inclined to work together to achieve great feats. Some even believe magical twins, especially springing from ancient families such as the Blacks, have a magical connection between them, allowing them to communicate telepathically.

Sirius and Regulus are powerful, talented and destined to achieve great things in life. They cannot communicate with their thoughts, but they do think it's funny to let others believe they can.

It came as a shock when one twin was sorted into Slytherin and the other into Gryffindor. For all they look exactly the same, the brothers are inherently different.

Sirius Black is loud and obnoxious, always making a spectacle of himself and enjoying the attention he gets. He was no qualms about jumping on a table in the great hall and starting to sing something nonsensical and insulting about his family or other students.

Regulus Black is as dramatic as his brother but in a different fond. He is quiet and makes an effort to stay below people's radar – he does so, to listen to them, find out their secrets and use them against them. He has an entire catalogue of people in Hogwarts owing him favours and doing his bidding.

When someone insults a person the brothers hold dear, Sirius is the one to scream and threaten and send hexes after them. Regulus is the one, putting a dagger into their back, plotting revenge in unnecessarily elaborated and tangled ways, or giving them a verbal lashing, delivered coldly, with a smile.

One thing that unites the brothers is the sheer number of people wanting to bed them. They are a dream to look at with wavy black hair, piercing grey eyes, high cheekbones, perfectly shaped lips, long lashes and flawless, fair skin. Since running away from home and moving in with James Potter's family a year ago, their picture changed slightly, showing a freer and more rebellious side. They wear piercings in their ears, and black eyeliner and their hair is longer than before. Regulus' hair is slightly curlier than Sirius's. Sirius' hair reaches his shoulders in soft waves, he often wears it pulled into a high ponytail or loose bun.

They can make themselves look exactly like the other merely by changing their posture and wearing a hat. Since they were little boys, they have used this ability to trick parents and teachers. When Sirius needs an alibi for a prank, he simply sends Regulus to talk to McGonagall with a Gryffindor crest on his robes and his hair pulled back.

Regulus, whose hobbies include playing mind games with people, habitually sends his brother to lurk around spots certain people are frequenting, instilling a persistent sense of paranoia in them.

Who needs Polyjuice potion if you came with a duplicate?

It is a Tuesday morning and Sirius comes running down the corridor, snatching Regulus on his way to class and pulling him away from view.

"Reggie, quick, switch with me," Sirius hisses and takes off his robes.


"I have a transfiguration test in ten minutes, and I completely forgot about it. You're good in transfiguration. Switch with me."

Regulus rolls his eyes, "Are you going to Herbology for me next period?"

"Yeah, sure. Please, switch, I can't flunk another test, Minnie is gonna throw a fit."

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