Demanding Delights (SMUT)

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Summary: James Potter has a secret - every other weekend he meets Regulus in his dorm to shag.

James loves to spoil his partner in bed, especially demanding, impatient, and jealous Regulus Black.


Since his third year, James' favourite part of every year has been the Hogsmeade weekends: Drinking butterbeer, stuffing himself with sweets from Honeydukes and chatting with Zonko over pranks while basically purchasing his entire shop.

Recently, however, in his 7th year, he has stopped going to Hogsmeade – and his weekends became even better.

His friends always went to the village on their own. James stayed behind, pretending to have Quidditch practice or Headboy duties or something. He barely kept track of his lies anymore.

He stayed at Hogwarts for one reason only: It was the only time during which he had the dorm to himself.

Usually, they were all in there. If someone had something to do, at least one of them was still in the dorm, reading, sleeping, whatever. It was only truly empty when they were at lessons, at a match or out preparing a prank.

Most of the time Sirius and Remus were in the dorm shagging their brains out. They didn't exactly throw Peter and James out of the dorm for this. They would shag right in front of them without remorse or shame – Peter and James left them alone out of pure self-preservatory instinct.

It was impossible to get the dorm for himself every once in a while.

It was likely that they would give him the dorm and not disturb him for an hour or two, should he ask. But for this, he would have to tell them what he was planning to do up there... or better, who he was planning to do.

The problem was: Under no circumstances was Sirius Black allowed to find out who James wanted to take up to his room. Under no circumstances was Sirius Black allowed to find out whose brains he fucked out every other weekend when he finally got the dorm to himself.

Regulus Black. Beautiful, smart, witty Regulus Black with his mesmerizing ice-grey eyes and smooth black hair and flawless white skin had James wrapped around his little finger.

Regulus Black was of course also Sirius' little brother.

James wasn't exactly sure how Sirius would react to him being Regulus' lover, but he sure as fuck didn't want to find out.

It was a cool, sunny December Saturday. Remus, Sirius, and Peter left the castle and James stayed.

He met Regulus near the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower, as usual. He gave him his invisibility cloak and sneaked him into the common room and up to his room.

As soon as James locked the door, Regulus pulled down the cloak, pushed him against the door and kissed him.

James chuckled against Regulus' lips and pulled him closer to him by his jumper.

James leaned his head back to look at his lover. He liked the word lover. He wasn't entirely sure whether they were boyfriends or not, but he definitely was his lover and he relished in the thought.

He had his hands on Regulus lower back and pulled his body flush against his.

"I've missed you, too," he whispered, "Or how am I supposed to understand this eagerness?"

"Missed you," Regulus agreed, "Also, yesterday at supper that one 6th year girl touched your arm while laughing about something you said."

As if that explained everything, he took James' left arm, pushed back the sleeve of his jumper and kissed the smooth skin near his wrist while holding James' gaze.

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