French Exchange (fluff) [part1/2]

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10 Beauxbeatons students come to Hogwarts for six months for an exchange project. Among them is Regulus Black, whose mother had sent him to the school in France after Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor.
Sirius is excited about seeing his brother again, the rest is excited about meeting new people. There is just one rule:
Regulus Black is off-limits.
Unfortunately, Regulus is beautiful and has made it his goal to seduce James Potter.

Regulus, Je pensais que je t'avais perdu - Regulus I thought I lost you

Tu ferais mieux de ne pas regretter de m'aimer, espèce d'idiot sexy - You better don't regret liking me, you hot idiot


„I am going to tell you a secret," Sirius said as soon as they entered their dorm on the first day of their last year at Hogwarts, "This year for a few months we will host exchange students here in some kind of exchange programe multiple European Ministries want to try to implement."

"Like... taking a year abroad for Muggles?" Remus asked.
"I don't know. I just know that Hogwarts and one other school are the first ones to try this program. About 10 students will come here and study beside our 6th year students for the second and third term – so about half of the year. The first term 10 of our students go to the other school. I think if it works out, they consider sending them for the entire year, for the years to come."

"And how on earth would you know that? Do you have connections to the ministery we need to know about?" James asked, "Pads, did you try to sneak into the Ministery as Padfoot again? By Merlin, did you succeed this time?!"

Sirius laughed and draped himself over Remus, who was lying on his bed.

"No, this is the best part of it: The exchange school is the Beauxbatons Academy in France," Sirius had a large and excited grin plastered on his face, which only inspired confusion in the others.

"Guys!" Sirius sat up, "It is my brother's school – are you never listening to me when I talk?"

"Of course, we do, love, it is just that you tend to talk so much, we can't possibly remember everything," Remus said apologetically.

"Wait, hold on, run this by me again," James said, "You mean Regulus?"

"Do I have another brother I could mean? Yes, of course Regulus! Isn't that exciting? My baby brother finally comes here to where he belongs!"
"For six months," Remus reminded him.
"Yes, but still. I don't get to see him ever. He only comes home to England for the Summer and Christmas and as you can imagine, our Christmases have never been great, especially since my sorting. And I wasn't at that house anymore since Christmas fifth year. But whenever he is in France, he can actually write to me, and he told me he signed up for this program and was chosen."

"I'm happy for you," Remus said and kissed his forehead.
"I'm happy for me, too. And for Reggie. This is going to be so much fun."
"Not too much fun, he comes here to learn," Remus reminded him, "And you have your final exams to worry about."
"I am confident that you will worry enough for the both of us," Sirius smirked.

"Why is this a secret though?" Peter asked, "What's the point?"
"I don't know, Dumbledore being Dumbledore," Sirius rolled his eyes, "Surely they have chosen 10 then-fifth years who know about it."


Sirius wasn't off. With great excitement, Dumbledore announced the plans of the ministry to the castle. In his own way, he was way too dramatic to be a serious headmaster.

The younger students were excited, a few seventh and sixth years were disappointed because they would never be able to take this opportunity.

Three weeks into the term, 10 students from the 6th year left together with Professor Flitwick. McGonagall and Slughorn took up the remaining Charms lessons for the rest of the school.

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