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Roach stayed on the call with Jisoo and listened to everything that was going on. Even though Jisoo was with Lisa, he hated that he wasn't there to assist and protect them. With the help of Ruby Jane's team, his team was able to ground most of the men.

Meantime he informed Milo who will have to handle the post effects of all the actions. Milo Wen got into work immediately understanding Seungri wasn't going to sit quietly anymore.

They used to wonder why Seungri wasn't using all his strength. Now it seemed like he wasn't looking down on them anymore. But too bad, Seungri had badass opponents facing them.

Roach and a team were rushing in a different car towards the Park Avenue road when he heard the noise of bullets. He didn't lose hope, he was confident the two brothers could handle but he didn't know if they could be unhurt.


In the SSC Tuatara,

Aeon was in shock discerning they were on the way to the Harmon mansion. He wanted to applaud her for the guts and the confidence in facing Seungri.

"Are you sure, four more would be enough to handle so many in the Harmon estate?" He questioned his worry. More than that, "They would be armed... I mean they will hold weapons like knives. Guns." he wanted to let her know in case she doesn't have an idea.

Ruby Jane finally glanced at the man next to her. It was less than a second and she drifted on the road too smoothly without losing the speed. Aeon trusted her skills from the time she was speeding so he kept his body on the seat to avoid swaying towards her.

"You are my shield," Ruby Jane revealed to him why she asked him to go. She never had thought she would use Aeon one day. She didn't like it but now, she had no time to plan and conquer the Harmon estate before stepping inside. She chose the plan that suited the best at that time.

The curiosity rose with no limit. Aeon was thinking about it for a long time.

Why wasn't his life in danger?

Why does Seungri just want to control him?

Wouldn't it be easier for Seungri without him?

He had many such questions. He had thought to the extent, Seungri was a sadist and wanted to trouble him all life.

Now that Ruby Jane mentioned that he was her shield from any danger in the Harmon mansion, he couldn't help but ask her, "Why has Seungri left me alive? Why didn't he choose me over Sean? I could be the easiest target while I work outdoors."

Ruby Jane had guessed a long time ago Aeon had no idea about what was going on between Elder Harmon and Seungri. hearing no displeasure or disgust in his tone for being used, Ruby Jane thought to let him know. If not today, he would anyway get to know it soon by next week.

"Aeon Harmon, the Harmon empire is yours."

Aeon froze on his seat hearing her words. His grandfather had left everything for Seungri to handle. It wasn't ancestral property so Elder Harmon had the right to choose anybody he wanted. Aeon always thought everything was in Seungri's name for a very long time as they were too young in the past.

He then snapped out of his trance and reasoned with her, "Then Seungri has all the reasons to kill me." If he is dead, Seungri could have everything. Sean would prefer to run away or join Seungri in fear of death.

Ruby Jane could guess, Aeon didn't like the arrangements by listening to his irked voice. But it was his fate. One who wanted everything so badly was getting nothing. One who craved to stay away from anything related to Seungri was getting everything he didn't wish for.

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