Chapter 13. All in

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(( SMUT WARNINGGG. just a heads up, this is my FIRST TIME attempting to write this type of stuff so please, kind words!!!! And just wanna say I love y'all so for reading))

((If you don't like smut, you're welcome to skip this chapter. Won't miss anything besides spiciness))

Your eyes laid focused in ghost. Your mind still absolutely taken back. You adjusted yourself in your seat trying to cover up the fact his little remark had you flustered.

"Hit a nerve, sweetheart?" He spoke breaking the silence. He knew what was he was doing, reeling you in. But why did he have such an effect on you?

"I uh- uh..." you couldn't form any words to respond to him, your brain was leaning towards another dirty scenarios. Things you shouldn't even been thinking of.

"God damn it, kiss me." You pleaded when your eyes caught his hungered stare roaming your body from head to toe. His eyes were enticing, almost addicting. Yet so inviting.

He took a brief pause before nearly jumping off his seat of the couch to lean over you, his hand trailing up your body from your thigh, up your abdomen, passed your breasts, directly onto your throat. Your body buckled under his touch, sending another wave of goosebumps all along your heated skin. His eyes watching you squirm from his touch made his groan softly. Your hand quickly gripped the clothe skull mask pulling it quickly off his head. He froze for a second, shook by your action. Your eyes fell memorized at this man's full face, it was perfect. But Before you could look any longer, he leaned in roughly crashing his warm, soft lips against your own. A slight moan escaped through your lips, causing Ghost to growl.

"Fucking hell." He breathed out pulling back for some air. "You've got no idea how long I have been wanting to do this." He admitted removing his hand from your throat, using both hands to grip your waist pulling you onto his lap. He trailed his kiss starting from your lips, down your jaw, down your neck, eventually making his way towards your chest. Your hands roamed his head gripping the back of his neck pulling yourself closer. The scent of cigarettes, grass and something metallic radiated off of him. Something that was a smell you suddenly craved. You felt heat start to radiate from between your legs, your center practically begging for him. He kept one hand on the midst of you back and brought his right hand to slowly cup your breast. You felt his member twitch slightly beneath you after he gave your breast a tender squeeze.

His hand trailed back down your body making his way towards your inner thigh. You were growing impatient, almost wanting him to just throw you over the couch and destroy your insides. It was almost as if he was teasing you on purpose, or more just savoring the moment.

His hand now trailing closer and closer to your clothed cunt. You've been so touch deprived for years because you've refused to do it yourself. Your breathe hitched when his fingers softly grazed your pants, testing the waters. He pulled back to see you an absolutely mess.

"You're evil." You breathed out, feeling his hand make its way up to your pant line, parting your pant seam enough to slide his rather large hand inside easing his way down towards your cunt. The minute his hand made contact with your wet cunt, he let out a deep, husky groan leaning his forehead into your chest as if he were holding everything in not to lose control.

"You're already fucking soaked.." he exhaled sharply before he started planting kisses against your skin. "It's driving me mad. It's taking everything in me to not just bend you over this fucking couch and fuck the living hell out of you." He spoke low and seductively while his fingers danced rhythmically along your folds.

"Oh god..." you hummed squirming slightly under his touch, leaning into him forcing his fingers to find their way closer. "Please just....." you paused as he slipped a finger inside causing you to gasp for air. "Fuck me please.." you begged wrapping your arms around his neck while your hands trailed through his hair aimlessly.

'Is that an order?" He breathed back.

"Yes." You quickly responded through the fingers that were now slightly pumping inside of you. "I need you inside of me."

You gasped  as he quickly stood up, removing his hand for inside your pants, flipping you over to face the couch cushions. He yanked your pants down to your ankles exposing everything to him. You heard the unbuckle of his pants quickly fall to the floor.

You felt the warmth of his tip stroke the folds of your entrance slowly, your body leaning back into him slowly having him enter. Piercing through your walls, you moaned into the cushion at the sudden stretch from him fully entering inside you.

"Bloody hell, you're so tight." He growled placing his hands on your exposed back while he took a moment to gather himself before pulling back slowly. The warmth of you wrapped around his cock was enough to make him lose it but he took deep concentrated breathes before your hips bucked and he slammed back inside of you forcing you to moan. Your hands gripping the couch cushions with everything you had while he picked up a steady rough pace pumping his erect cock in and out of you. With every stroke, a groan left his lips. 

"You feel so fucking good around my cock." He praised letting his hand roam towards your hair grabbing it tightly and pulling your head backwards causing you to arch your back.

"Fuck..." you exhaled feeling the heat rise sensationally between your legs, a feeling where you couldn't sit still. His hand released you hair rounding to your neck gripping it tightly making you go absolutely feral. As he continued his slow rough strokes, you felt your body climb closer and closer to the edge. Your moans becoming more frequent which caused him to pick up the pace.

"Good girl." He spoke as your body was on the verge of exploding. Just as you reached your climax, Simon gave one more hard thrust before quickly pulling out releasing his warm cum across your back. Your body fell from its high quickly causing you to breathe heavily. He let out a few more satisfied groans as he leaned forward kissing your bare back. A smile planted on your lips as he stood back up straight pulling up his pants in the process. He grabbed a a cloth from the drawer walking back to you, cleaning off your back from the now cold liquid. Once he finished, he parted to retrieve his mask and you pulled up your sweatpants back up to your waist. You tried to stand to tie your strings but your legs instantly buckled underneath you, shaking violently. You fell against the couch catching yourself with your hands.

"Bedtime." Ghost spoke scooping you up from the couch exiting the rec room heading directly to his room not even giving it a second thought about leaving you alone tonight.

"'Such a gentlemen." You remarked wrapping glue arms around his neck for better support while he carried you.


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