Chapter 18. Next time

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((WARNINGGGG🥵🥵 turn back now or forever hold your peace))

After Reggie had found it in his queue to leave, you bidded him farewell, again apologizing profusely before he left. He told you not to stress over it and that he was just happy to see that there were others to keep up on you. He said he felt more relieved.

Once you had walked Reggie to the gate and he had left, you felt all the anger from todays events bubble up. You helped yourself to your room where you changed into comfortable clothing. You hesitated to lay in your own bed or confront Ghost. Your anger got the best of you and you left your room swiftly walking down the hall towards ghosts room.

You stood outside his door for minutes before you finally brought yourself to let a knock create from your hand on the door. Within minutes, ghost parted the door from the latch peering down at you. You took no time to push your way past him helping yourself into his room.

"Fucking hell, come in I guess" he growled lowly.

"Are you fucking insane?" You barked turning to look up at him.

"Protective brother?" Ghost scoffed pushing passed you to avoid getting extremely angry. "That's exactly what he said, innit?" He spat back.

"What do you want me to tell him?! Oh yeah, we fucked in the rec room but there's no label because he's emotionally closed off." You snapped back.

"I saw the way you were laughing with him!" Ghost retorted.

"What you jealous or something?" You snapped as your eyes met his.

"Piss off!" He hissed turning his back to you.

"What?! You think I'm gonna go fuck him? And what if I did?! It's not like I'm yours!" You started to raise your voice feeling angry. He had no right. There was no label on you two. Not like you wanted to screw Reggie. He was the one who was actually like your brother figure. You were just so riled up and angry, you were speaking before you could fully think.

Ghost turned around his eyes falling into yours. There was anger in his eyes. Not an aggressive anger. But something filled with a hung of jealousy.

"You are mine."

"No. I am not. You've done absolutely fucking nothing to show me I'm yours." You growled. "You don't get to dictate what I do!" Ghost approached you bringing his left hand directly to your throat forcing you to look up at him.

"You. Are. Mine. And I don't share." He spoke, his voice dangerously low and hypnotizing. "And since you want to act like a disrespectful little slut, I'm gonna have to remind you who you belong to." He growled rashly. His hand placement, his enticing words, had the anger flushed from your body and lust filling its place.

You tried everything in your power to no cave in. To continue to be mad. To not give him what he wanted but good god, with the way he took over you was luring.

"Show me then" you whispered up to him, voice struggling to not reveal your hunger for him. His eyes danced focusing on every feature  of your face, Taking you all in. A low groan exited his throat also like it was taking everything in him to not lose control. His right hand grabbing your waist hoisting your body into his. A gasp escaping your throat when you felt the bulge of his member, already erect. A shiver of craving shocked through your body. A tingle engulfing between your thighs.

His hand started to roam from your waist rounding your stomach, sliding into your pants trailing down between your thighs. You gasped louder when you felt his hand rub against you through your underwear.

"Look at that. Already so wet for me, and only for me." He grumbled his eyes still deep in yours, refusing to break contact  he enjoyed watching you crumble from his touch. He enjoyed how wet you got for him, how submissive you would get just from his voice. You bit your tongue resisting to give him any more satisfaction. You were going to make him work for it. "What's the matter baby?"

'Baby!?' You melted in your thoughts. "Oh he's prying through my barriers." He knows.

You held eye contact until you felt his hand finally slip through your underwear slightly caressing your entrance with his long fingers. You let a moan slip through your lips, haying yourself for becoming so vulnerable. His fingers so gradually slipping through your wet folds. It became harder to breathe the more you tried to keep your moans from escaping your lips.

" please." You pleaded eager for him to fuller interest his fingers.

"Oh look at you, absolutely crumbling from my touch." He mocked still keeping his eyes locked onto you.

"Please, Simon.. please. I'm yours. All yours" you were practically begging at this point. He was moving his fingers so slowly within your entrance, it was almost torture. You bit your lip fight back a moan. That's when ghost took the opportunity to fully shove his fingers directly inside of you causing your knees to nearly buckle beneath you. A loud moan rattled your throat, one that you had been holding back for so long.

"Such a good girl. Doing exactly what I want her to." His voice spoke in a hungry tone. Craving to hear more. His fingers now picking up a rhythmic pump inside of you, with the occasional slow curl that he did with his fingers that made you cave in. Your moans falling more frequent and your body heat rising immensely.

Just as you started to feel your high approaching fast, ghost quickly pulled out his fingers interrupting you seconds before your release. You breathless moan left your body when you felt his fingers leave your body. He leaned next to your ear and whispered.

"Maybe next time you won't hesitate to tell 'REGGIE' who you belong to." He breathed out removing his hands from your body letting you absolutely crumble from your shakey legs. God you were highly upset.

'God damn it you, you fucking enticing asshole!" You thought as you felt your body punish you for not reaching your release. You sat on the edge of his bed leaned on your knees whilst you collected yourself. You knew for a fact he was smiling under that stupid mask of his.

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