Chapter 24. Urzikstan day 1

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You and ghost has broken away from base, eventually making it into town to meet Baker, who used to work with Price, drive you to where Nik was to air lift you both from there to Urzikstan.

The helicopter was long, the ride felt endless and the silence besides the moving blades was almost irritating. Was soap okay? Was Price okay? What was gonna happen? Why were these people risking their lives for you? You couldn't have another Situation similar to Gaz happen again. You felt ghost's eyes staring at you which caused you to bring your eyes to meet his. He made no moments but spoke loudly with his eyes.

"Farah!" Ghosts voiced echoed as the helicopter parted from the ground where it released you too. Your eyes moved to see a woman, a gorgeous badass one at that.

"Ghost, it's good to see you. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances." farah spoke before turning her attention to you.

"Any friend of John's is a friend of mine. You will be safe here." She nodded slightly Turning. "Let's take you to the house we have for you to stay at. It's not luxurious but it's what we can provide."

"You're already doing more than enough. Thank you." You spoke out following being ghost's large frame.

"The house will be heavily guarded 24/7 by my men. So I can assure you that you will be safe." Farah spoke as she walked a few feet in front of you both. You all passed multiple buildings until you were enclosed by them.

"This is it. It's gots running water, fresh clothes in both bedrooms and we made sure to have enough food to stock you both for the time you're here. If you need anything else feel free to use this" Farah spoke handing ghost a Walkie Talkie. "Easiest way to communicate with me."

"Price?" Ghost asked.

"So far, no word" she shook her head slightly upset. "But we're giving him the benefit of the doubt giving him a little bit more time"

"I'm so sorry." You exhaled feeling guilty.

"Nonsense. There's strength in numbers." She smiled before turning around to talk off disappearing into the streets that were surrounded by buildings. You broke your eyes back to the small house where ghost had already entered. A small living room, kitchen and dining area accented the Cozy feeling. To the left there was a hallway where both rooms and bathrooms were present. They were small but hell, you weren't one to bitch.

"I'm gonna shower." You spoke before entering the home taking a left down the hall to claim your room and get some extra clothes. Since both you and ghost really weren't given time to 'pack'. You rummaged through the clothes until you found a large baggy shirt and some comforting pants along with some undergarments. You found the bathroom that crammed inside a shower bath, sink and toilet.

You turning the knob of the shower waiting for it to warm up before putting yourself under it. While it was heating up, you removed your clothes and stared at your min the mirror that sat above the sink, onto showing your collar bone and above back at you.

"Fuck." You huffed placing your hands on the sides of the sink propping yourself up as your mind started going into overdrive making it hard to breathe.

This should've never happened. None of it. You should've been back on base with Reggie building your newest missile. You shouldn't be here. Apart of this squad that's no longer a squad. You put people in danger. People lost their lives. All because of Shepard. A part of you wished you didn't know and you could just go back to the good old days in the shop with Reggie, laughing you ass off at some stupid corny joke he said.

You squinted your eyes in attempts to keep the tears away but a few managed to slip past your eyes rolling down your cheeks. The shower still coming out of the bath faucet, yet to be transferred to the shower head.

"F/n?" Ghosts voice echoed from the closed door. You looked up form the sink trying to find a towel to cover your body to see what he wanted. To your success, you found one under the sink wrapping it around your body, quickly opening the door to see Ghost.

"What's up?" You exhaled trying to refrain from sniffling to show evidence of tears. He said nothing whilst he pushed himself into the bathroom, putting his pointer finger under your chin to raise your head to look up at him. His eyes scanned your face seeing where the tears had fallen. He knew you were crying. He knew before you even opened the door.

"No more tears, okay? It'll get sorted out. They're not going to take you, I won't let that happen. Shepard and Reginald have what's coming to them." He spoke keeping his voice low but just enough for you to hear him. "Price and soap are okay. They got in contact with Farah." Your body get a small weight lift off your shoulders hearing they were okay. Just how soft and reassuring his words were, made you want to break. Ghost showing his soft side was a weakness to you.

"Let me help you." He spoke softly placing his hands on your upper arms as he passed by you to turn on the shower head, letting the water fall from a farther distance.

"No it's ok-"

"I'm not asking." He retorted grabbing the wrapped towel from around you placing it on the sink counter exposing your body. "Get in" he spoke as he started to slide off his shirt, belt, pants, and then some. You stepped inside the shower quickly turning around to see Simon removing his mask. It was still a shock to see him maskless. Though you had seen it before, it was still as shocking as it was the first time. His face so perfect and so attractive.

His eyes met yours the minute his mask flew off his head and landed on the countertop. A small weak smile planted your face while you watched him join in the shower with you. He now stood behind you, his hands roaming your bare body enjoying every curve he encountered. He knew this wasn't the time to get entirely flustered but god you were so beautiful to him. In his eyes, you were worth everything. And he'd do it all over but he just really couldn't tell you how he felt.

Because he doesn't do this type of thing. Relationships. He couldn't.

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